more than a week. >> it's like they couldn't get a hold of any of the bus drivers. >> reporter: that morning they waited 40 minutes for the bus before she gave up and made the 10-minute drive herself. that evening they waited more than two hours for the bus before calling the police frantic. >> that's when the police asked me what was she wearing and what does she look like. it got really real to me in that moment. >> i left at 7:30 and i went to target to buy an air tag to put on her. >> reporter: they say the bus arrived three hours late, the driver nearly missing the stop. >> i had like waved her down. i look on the bus and lily is the last kid on the bus. >> she won't be riding the bus anymore. >> reporter: the superintendent vowing to do better when school restarts. >> we made mistakes, but we're going to fix them. >> reporter: any long-term