liu made. >> he made the ultimate sacrifice. i think we all knew taking the job that we did that there was always a possibility that we might not come home or might not come home in one piece. and i'm sure we've all had experiences that we've had people that weren't the most pleasant people to deal with. when you're in this business, you're not dancing with angels. between the three of us, we could trade a number of war stories to corroborate that. being a community policing officer, beat officer which the nypd no longer has beat talks -- don't forget they lost 7,000 or 8,000 police officers compared to what they had prior to 9/11. just through attrition. and they didn't rehire that amount as those people left. so that's a big problem, too, because there's a manpower issue where in order to have beat officers in those precincts you need to have officers available to do that. aside from -- now it's no longer