nontraditional. it may be a nontraditional form of terrorism. it might be a form of suicide terrorism. all of these things will eventually need to be looked at. finding the plane, very important. the families need to be, you know, at peace about what happened here. you got to also keep in mind it took over two years for the air france black box to be found. so this is not something that i think is going to happen fast. in the meantime, the investigators should be working extremely hard talking to the families of every single pilot and passenger on that plane, looking at that computer hard drive that we talked about earlier, that's where there's going to be evidence if any of these individuals on that plane were planning to do something and if they were, what were they planning to do and for what purpose. >> all right. so, i want to ask you, arthur, you know, i mean, as a aviation attorney, as a veteran pilot, when you look at where we're looking in the middle of the