the data is sent back to the malaysians and the general feeling is that they needed more certainty about that data on the pings. so the data is sent back for more analysis and more confirmation before being sent back to the malaysians. all that took about two or three days for the information to go backwards and forwards before the malaysian prime minister was then able to come out as you will remember at the beginning of the week and say, there are these two arcs. one is the northern corridor. one is the southern corridor. >> so it took a couple of days. in all this time, that debris is moving. it is moving. >> here is the point, carol. they are dammed if they do and dammed if they don't. if they had moved assets and resources on the possibility of this data and three days later, everybody comes back and says, actually, we don't believe that data, the endegree trit to be that strong, you and i would be