marginali marginalizes. lennon's statues were being torn down, there were motions to tear down now, statues that were put up during the times of the soviet union. laws that were repealed that gives special status to the russian language so there really hasn't been much on the part of the russian government both in crimea and other parts of the countries, you have been hearing statements for the president and the new prime minister saying that ukraine has this new european way that it wants to get away from it's ties with russia and that certainly isn't something that has helped the situation very much and certainly isn't something also that was received very well in moscow and might have also fuelled the tensions as well, wolf. >> good point, fred, reporting from moscow, let's go to the white house right now, our senior white house correspondent jim acosta is standing by. jim, there were important meetings in the west wing of the white house, we saw the top national security advise scores