as you know, federal prosecutors don't open cases like this without thinking that they are going to get a win. so, mcdonnell has "law and order" up with some blue chip attorneys in virginia so that's going a really costly proposition for them which is at the heart of this whole case. if you go through the indictment again and again they had a lot of financial anxieties and one of the reasons they solicited these gifts to pay for a vacation home and just sort of the personal finances that were troubling them. >> pet are hamby, many thanks to you. it's the post-game rant that stole the thunder from the nfc title match-up and still reverberating today. quarterback richard sherman saved the day for his seattle seahawks but unleashed a storm criticism on social media by verbally slamming san francisco receiver michael crabtree. now sherman showing some regret but also defending himself. rachel nicole sat down for an