stop it. >> going to make a point. >> they have to prove malice, a tough element to prove when you're a public figure in a defamation case. >> avery, nothing against the law being a working parent that travels a lot, he is saying, however, while he is doing that, his reputation is being scarred. is it worth 50 million? will the court see it his way? >> well, the supreme court answered that question, fredricka, about 50 years ago cht number one, is he a public figure. number two, is there actual malice. the record shows for five months he saw suri ten days. he will never get the disclosure of sources. i hate to agree, richard is exactly right on this. case dismissed. >> we like it when you all agree. we know we have to tackle a couple other cases, avery, richard, in which you will not be in total agreement. look forward to seeing you. they'll breakdown the guilty verdict for utah dr. martin macneill, convicted overnight of