middle but constituencies that are not traditionally within the republican party. so, i think the reason -- one of the ways he's done that is he's put aside a lot of the ideology which washington tends to be really focused. all of the debates we have in wood paneled rooms up on capitol hill, many of the folks are focused on can be the most pure ideologic ideological. and here you have a chief executive in a very blue state who is focused on solving problems, who is focused on making government work. and when you do that, that's something that's oftentimes rewarded by not only republicans but by many of those independent voters and democrats and that's the key to winning nationally. >> yeah. i'm just looking at a picture on twitter that our pete hamby has just tweeted out and it's chris christie at a rally with his wife mary pat whom he often talks about. i'll get to you, maria, but i want to ask kevin this. >> yeah. >> he's arguing with a teacher in this picture. i mean, love him or hate him, do you think people -- do you think