predict the outcome when you enter the water or their environment. >> the crux of the case, stay out of the proximity of the animals and you won't get killed. >> it will have a ripple effect through the industry. this was national news. >> sea world whale performances may never be the same. >> right now the theme park is arguing in court to keep the whale trainers in the water. it's something osha says is dangerous. >> these are wild animals and unpredictable because we don't speak whale. we don't spring whale, tiger, a we don't speak monkey. >> tempers flared when osha's attorneys suggested sea world only made changes after dawn brancheau's death. outraged the public. >> osha doesn't want the trainers going back in the water without a physical barrier between them and the whales. >> being in close proximity to the predators is dangerous. >> they won't get on the water, riding, things like that? >> if you were in a bathtub for 25 years, don't you think you