white. >> what's interesting about what ruben's saying, the research on this subconscious bias i was talking about, very frighteningly shows that not only white folks have internalized anti-black biased, but large numbers of latinos and asian-americans, here's an interesting one, about 40% of african-americans have internalized bias against themselves as black folks. that's how deep this runs. >> tim's only telling half the story. the other part of the story is that african-americans likewise have a negative perception of hispanics. we hear this all the time. certainly we write about the immigration issue. >> oh, sure. >> lectures about racial profiling, if the issue is immigration, we can write the book on that. we understand what it's like to be profiled and accused of not being of this country. >> gentlemen, forgive me for jurping in. i have to jump in and say i wish we had more time. we are going to have plenty of time next hour to talk about all this. for now i just have to say thank you, robert franklin, ruben navarette and tim wise. coming up next, we're going