that didn't work out so well. yeah, you can tell that, you know, even prosecutors, the defense, may not be so hot on the technology, but it seems that they get it working from time to time. it seems they are going to take some time to figure this out right now. i'm watching them take the computer up. >> right. they are going to show the judge on the little laptop there the animation that daniel schumaker created and he's standing there in front of that laptop, so they can't get it up on the screen. is this surprising to you, page? you've been in a lot of these kinds of trials. you got technology. they've been getting ready for this for a year, haven't figured it out yet, a lot of technical glitches last week. >> it's not surprising. i don't think i've ever participated in a trial that lasted more than a couple of days where we didn't have at least some technical issues. these days we're using technology a lot more in the courtroom than we used to. it's no longer showing a