it's an older vehicle, you are concerned about it, take it to a collision shop, if there is rust, damage, get it repaired. substructure underneath the car is what is progressive conservativing you. if you are concerned about that specific vehicle, you look at the stats from all of the vehicles built during that time period and you will find the jeep grand cherokee was on the lowest end of the fatalities. what you are showing there is something hit by a tractor-trailer. anything hit at 0 miles an hour actually multiplies by 23 times the energy. that's a lot. and that would -- i don't care if you are driving another suv, two tractor-trailers hit at that speed, there is going to be that same type of explosion. >> all righty. hey, lauren, we appreciate all the insight. thanks. >> thank you. >> well, it turns out, the government has millions of americans' phone records. it's all a part of a huge under surveillance program designed for the hunt of foreign