stopping crime, we can do all sorts of things, we don't live in a country like that. this is not about taking your shoes off. it's not about the boston bombing. that mit cop was killed two blocks from where i work. i lived through this. i'm sitting in a studio in watertown where this whole thing went down. to compare that to this is unacceptable in my view. those under surveillance cameras did not say who they were. they did not say who that were talking to or who they knew or their community was. is totally unanalogous. >> the bottom line is -- >> very quickly. >> those cameras are watching more than who did it. if you want to be pure about it, you have to shut down those cameras. it was bus of that program we were able to be successful. >> the point, we're almost out of town, very quickly, jim, i think the point that ari is trying to make is those closed circuit cameras at the boston