freedoms. so now you know this as well as i do, jake, the minute that you say there is an inquiry and a study under way, now whenever we're going to ask the question in the press briefing room about this, they will say, you know there's a study under way so we'll answer that question once the results of that study are complete. so i bet that will kick those answers down the road and we won't get those answers any more. so i think dlr a lthere are a l questions that this still leaves unaddressed and some of his critics on the left will still be unsatisfied. but at least he's on the record trying to address his policy and define it before the books on this administration are closed, jake. >> we have to wrap up but i want to go to congressman thornberry for one last thought. i found it interesting, congressman, you're on the intelligence committee on the house of representatives so i'm sure you were aware of some of these details already. but there's been no little that has been publicly said from the government and anwar al awlaki, killed by a u.s. predator drone