number will change, 20 already are kids. many died in the basement of that school. it became flooded. horrible to hear, but imagine for the families to learn that. the search and rescue there, still very active. going hand by hand. can't get earth moved. you can't get earth moving machines in here, too difficult. there are active power lines down, active gast lines open. all very difficult. that is the scene in oklahoma. the weather has moved on, you will see clear skies here, front moving toward texas. get to meteorologists that will tell us about the threat that remains for places. more tornadoes that could come down. from moore, oklahoma, right now, all about the aftermath and finding out who is still alive. community are very active right now doing it. saw it as we drove through. looking for people. asking the media to move so you don't hear the generator sounds so they can keep searching. pam brown with me, all morning, seen it first hand.