and radiologists, i decided best decision for me was to go ahead and have a double mastectomy. >> i want to come back to you. here we were just talking in cleveland last week and you continue on, obviously, working and having to handle all this on a very personal level. but, doctor, to you. in this op-ed in the new york times, angelina jolie says because of this brca gene that her risk of developing breast cancer was a huge number. it was 87%. now she says post surgery it is down to 5%. is the kind of reduction in risk here, the huge number differential, doctor, is that the norm? >> yes, i would say that the numbers that miss jolie quoted are quite appropriate for women with known hereditary predisposition because of mutations in the brca gene, for example. there is a range of risks from 50% to 87% lifetime risk of getting breast cancer. and the double mastectomy or prevention mastectomy absolutely is the most aggressive and the most effective step that these