someone for a short time. so we were able to get him to stand up, and show us that he did not have a device on him. >> he is lying in the boat, and lying there for several hours and wounded and bleeding and obviously weak. you come over there and what do you say to him? you have a bull horn to say, come out with your hands up? >> we have a negotiator on the second floor of the house looking down at the boat. >> you could see him? >> no, we could not see him, because there was a plastic tarp over him, but we had the state police helicopter to tell us when there was movement in the boat by the heat sensor, so we could tell that he was alive and moving and we began the negotiations that way. and over a long period of time we were able to get him to sur rend er without any other, anybody hurt or injured. >> so he did not use any more gun fire while he was in the boat? >> well, once we got the -- there was early gun fire when we got into the area, because he exchanged gun fire with some of the officers and we secured the scene, and then no more gun