reportedly hired 15,000 additional workers. who needs washington when you can have a job creating taco. as the people at the daily beast asks, can this taco save america, ron? >> go back to question one, the concern about the deficit. largely driven about health care costs. why are health care costs rising? the way we live and the life-style choices we make. a difficult issue. people reluctant to be pushed on what they eat, consume, or exercise, ultimately, that's part of the solution on the health care issues and long-term federal budget as well. hate to say it. >> maria. >> creating jobs. taco bell is looking to open 2,000 additional stores this year because of the doritos locos taco. i had say this. this is for the gop advice, this is not the way to reach out to the latino community. don't start serving doritos locos tacos at your events. underline that.