but first we're going to be very direct here because he wants us to be. from first round draft pick to locked-up felon. tonight it's the cnn exclusive. by all accounts jayson williams was a star at the young age of 22, a first round draft pick in 1990. few could rival the 6'10" forward when he was under the net, few people could. it seemed his career had no ceiling, he continued to rocket to higher heights. that was until a game with the atlanta hawks williams collided with stephon marbury and broke his leg. in one moment his entire career on the court was over. his plummet hit depths unknown on valentine's day in 2002. williams was showing off a shotgun to friends in his new jersey mansion. he snapped it shut and it fired. it killed his chauffeur. eight years later he was finally sentenced in that killing. he says his time in prison changed him to his core. and jayson williams joins me now here tonight. how are you doing? >> thanks for having me, don. first of all, i want to say, you know, i've caused a lot of pain, and i appreciate you having me on here today to express my remorse, and i come to you humbly and i want to say i'm sorry and i take full responsibility for my actions. >> i thank you for saying that. i know that you're a bit leery, a bit nervous about coming on. i said, just be yourself, express yourself and let people know how you're feeling. you signed an $86 million contract. you were on top of the world with the new jersey nets. and what really became part of what we call a dramatic fall happened when you broke your leg, right? did you think then, my goodness, this is over or did you think that you had more to go on to? >> you know what happened, don? i lost my way. as soon as i got hurt, when you take away your structure, here comes destruction. and i was a guy who woke up every morning with the same time with my dad, we fed our animals, we work construction together, thn i went and played against charles oakley, michael jordan, all the great one. but you take away the structure and i just had too much free time. >> you were always an affable guy even after that you had a career, i think, nbc, you were going to go on and become a commentator. but what most people want to hear, take me back to that night. you were in your mansion. i believe you had the harlem globetrotters over to your house that night. then you were in your bedroom and all of a sudden with the gun. what happened? >> well, don, i can just say i was terribly reckless. to go back to that night, we went to a globetrotter game. i had my adopted grandchildren with me. some of the globetrotters and others went back, when i'm a young man -- i'm making no excuses, nobody wants to see your picassos on your wall, if you have any, of your artwork, they want to see your guns. and i recklessly showed a gun to somebody and went to snap it close and the gun went off and it killed mr. christochristofi. i if i can take it all back and just be much more careful in the whole situation, i'm so sorry for all the pain that i've caused. >> have you spoken to his family? >> i've spoken to his family. >> what did you say to them? >> i have spoken to his family only through written statements where i would love to sit down with his family, his sister, but that would be a private event. that won't be a media event. that would be just between me and his sister. >> what would you say to the family? >> how terribly sorry i am and how much pain i caused his family. and i'm just terribly sorry. it's difficult for me, don -- i've caused so much pain. >> does this -- how often does this replay in your mind? do you think about this every single day and often? >> all day long, you know. all day long. i'm not making any excuses for, you know, i take full responsibility. i understand the damage i've caused, collateral and everything else. i think about this all day long. >> i want to take you back to that moment, in 2010 when you were sentenced in the new jersey courtroom and you had the handcuffs. and, you know, this one for everyone is really tough to watch when you think that you're at the top of your game. listen to this. >> mr. williams. >> with regard to the gag order, this sentence erad case all prior orders. >> he says to you, i want to finish this up so that you can go and serve your sentence. then he says, good luck to you, mr. williams. it looks as if you are -- your whole life is falling apart at this moment and you know it. >> well, that was ten years ago. and once you're going through a court case for eight years, you have a relationship with the court clerk, you have a relationship with the court, the lawyers and everybody else. you're seeing everybody for eight years. and i think after that, at that time right there, i honestly thought that the judge honestly thought i can, you know, showed remorse, i showed repentance and reform my life. >> did you think you were untouchable at the time? >> i think so. i think at a time where you think that you're bigger than everybody else, and you know, when you lose your way sometimes, those are the things that happen, when you just lose your way. you know, i lost my way, don. >> you lost your way. >> i lost my way. >> i want to read something here you said in this statement from the deputy attorney general involved in the prosecution. he said, mr. williams has a dark side. nobody knows the real jayson william. there is a real jekyll and hyde like divide. does that dark side still exist or did it ever? you know what? hold that thought. we need to take a break. i'll ask you that on the other side of the break. our abundant natural gas is already saving us money, producing cleaner electricity, putting us to work here in america and supporting wind and solar. though all energy development comes with some risk, we're committed to safely and responsibly producing natural gas. it's not a dream. america's natural gas... putting us in control of our energy future, now. sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, x: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching bandnd and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this paradeeet, x: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering honoring america's troops. sfx: sounds of marching bandnd and crowd cheering which is actually in tquite fitting becauseadeeet, x: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering geico has been serving e military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? 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[ male announcer ] fiber one. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. it's time to live wider awake. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils to promote proper sleeping posture all night long. the revolutionary recharge sleep system... from beautyrest. it's you, fully charged. all right. we're back now with former nba star jayson williams, everything he knew about his life changed on valentine's day 2002. he was playing around with a shotgun when it went off killing his chauffeur. i want to read something that he wrote here. letters to his father, mailed them to a friend while you were locked up in prison. >> that's right. >> you mailed some letters to your father. he's now published those into a book called "humbled: letters from prison." he's with me here now, thank you again. and you're a little nervous. don't be nervous. i know this is hard for you. let people know how you feel. don't be nervous. you're doing a great job. after you were sentenced you made a declaration, i will work endlessly to improve myself and make positive contributions to society. it is almost like you were foreshadowing to where you are now. is that so? >> the first thing i had to do when i got to prison was examine myself. and then i had to be remorseful which i was always, then i repented, then reformed, but the first thing was examining what causes me to get this trouble all the time? what's my dark side? and it was alcohol. >> is that what it was. >> it was definitely alcohol. >> you said it took eight years -- almost eight years between when the incident happened and then you went to prison in 2010. and during that time you crashed your car, you got on probation, you had a dui, you had a divorce, you had all these things, why did you have that moment of clarity within that time? >> well, it was a difficult time in my life. like i said before, you know, the collateral damage that you cause, but sometimes people that you think are around you should be telling you the right thing. as an athlete, you can't make excuses. it was all my fault. i was an alcoholic at the time, i think. i think i was a functioning alcoholic. >> were you drinking that much? >> i think i was drinking that much. >> were you drinking a lot? >> i definitely was. when you have structure and you get up every morning and you have to be somewhere, but once you retire and you lose your way and you don't have the right people telling you the right things. but i'm a grown man, i take full responsibility. >> you had yes people around you. >> no excuses. i was a grown man. >> you said before the break, mr. williams has a dark side, no nobody knows the real jay suspect deny systems. there's a real jekyll and hyde like divide. is that correct? >> i think he's incorrect. >> you think he's incorrect. >> i'm a christian first. like i said before, there's times i lost my way, but when i was definitely drinking at times i think maybe i did have a dark side. i know i did. but i think i'm a good man who has done a lot of good, and i have to continue. >> and you were in real prison, like you weren't in a celebrity prison. you were in rikers, then you went to state prison in new jersey. >> that's right. >> so you were in real prison. >> that's right. >> what was the profound moment there? >> any time a 22-year-old correction officer can tell you to bend over or get naked or do anything and you lose your freedom, i think right then you realize that you are in prison. it's just not being 6'10" and being a famous athlete is going to help you. it's just at that point right there that you can't do anything. >> searching you for contraband and all that. >> that's right. >> you have two children, you adopted your sister's kids, and what's your relationship like with your kids now? >> that's a personal matter. i love my kids. i can't make up time for that. i never used his kids as a pawn. i would never say -- i will not put my kids -- my kids did not make this decision. >> you are going through a divorce. >> i am going through a divorce. i can't make up for the time i lost with my children. all i can do is better myself as a christian and as a father. >> i've got to ask you this because we have this whole thing now with penn state and jerry sandusky. you had an issue when you were a child. do you think that affected your behavior. you were molested. did you deal with that as a child? >> i definitely did. coming from an interracial relationship with my mother being white and my father being black, there were times when i didn't want to cause any more drama to them so i kept a lot of things to myself. until i got to prison, i just couldn't keep a memoir or journal, i just started writing letters to my father and it flowed. when it started flowing, those things the started coming out on to the paper. i never meant this to be a book. i was just sending these letters home. and those are one of the letter that came into play with me. and i'm sweating up in here. >> it's actually cold in here. >> it's difficult to explain with child molestation in two or three minutes, but i'm willing to talk to all groups and anybody i can help. i'm just trying -- sometimes i wake up, don, i want to save the world, and then i want to save my community. and sometimes i got to wake up and save myself. so it's a difficult transition, and like i said, i caused all this pain. what else can i tell you but i'm sorry? >> it's a different world. you were in there three years? >> yeah, 26 months. >> it's a different world. you didn't recognize the world when you came out. what did you mean by that? >> well, it's a lot more difficult when you get out of jail. you almost become institutionalized. people say you have to be in there four or five years, no, you become afraid of certain crowds. difficult to be around people, you wonder what are they thinking, do they remember you for a basketball player or somebody who is reckless. all i can do is put my confidence in god every day. people always say, did you find god in prison? and i know that i was two phone calls away from anybody in the world, you know, and who else are you going to call on to bring you peace and comfort in jail but god. and that's the only one. i couldn't call my lawyer, i couldn't call the warden, my dad, nobody could help me but god. he brought me such peace and joy and comfort, and i'm just here trying to be a better christian. >> jayson, what do you fear worst? do you fear you're going to slip up again? >> that's a fear. you got me in here sweating and i don't know what's tomorrow. all i know is i got to take it one day at a time. i got to stay with god first and then in the center of everything i do. that's the fear. i don't know where tomorrow lies and i know what today is. today i'm trying to be the best man that i can be. >> what motivates you to continue to do that? is it because you don't want to go back or do you feel that you can never make up or make good on what happened to you? >> to help people to understand what makes things happen the way they happen. i don't want to just come out of prison and just say, hey -- and not explain it. because to let people know in one instant, in one instant, how something can change your life. and this is the reason this journals came about and we published them. i'm not making any money off the book. all the proceeds go to charity. i want to make sure that a young man or young person never has to go through this without me at least giving my two cents on the situation. >> the next chapter for jayson williams, do you know? will you ever work again? because you were going to go on to be a big contributor or commentator for nbc, that was the next thing, then this tragedy happened. what's next for you, do you think? >> one day at a time, to be honest. one day at a time. god is good. >> the book is called "humbled: letters from prison," and it's fascinating. i've read excerpts from it. you sent those letters to your father. >> thank you. >> i appreciate it. jayson williams, everyone. >> thank you. >> up next -- >> well, it can't be her, she's my best student. >> turning a blind eye to mean girls who turn into even meaner women. rite cereal? oh, you're good! hey, did you know that honey nut cheerios is... oh you too! ooh, hey america's favorite cereal is... honey nut cheerios ok then off to iceland! i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely. and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing. mean girls. there's one in every school. >> oh, my god. i love your skirt. where did you get it? >> it was my mom's in the '80s. >> vintage. so adorable. >> thanks. >> that is the ugliest skirt i've ever seen. >> funny enough, that's a clip from the movie "mean girls." but your bully is no longer just the stereo typical meathead or a thug, your bully can also be a she. she come in designer jeans, shoes or even pigtails. she can be stunning, unassuming or even tom boy. bullies are not just for boys any more. i'm not t telling my next guest anything she doesn't know. her daughter elizabeth. welcome to both of you. >> thank you very much. >> elizabeth, you are a bully victim, what happened to you? >> my freshman year of high school, there was a situation with my roommates, and it was just so shocking to me because i wasn't expecting that to happen in the college environment, but it would just be little things they would do to make my life harder on a daily baze and i was living with them, so it made it more difficult. >> i want to show you something that just came in this week. a mother in belgium found a video of girls bullying her autistic daughter. mom posted the video on facebook in an effort to make it stop. it's a bit hard to watch. >> yes. >> is it a good idea for mom to post this, lori? >> no, absolutely not. that's part of our issue. i'm a teacher, a high school teacher. and not only are we videotaping harmful acts and words to bus monitors and classmates and posting them on facebook and other websites, now we have adults doing the same. we need role models so we can work with our kid to speak up when they see such things happening. and adults need to be doing that as well. >> do you think that girl bullies are worse than boy bullies? here's why i ask this, mom -- >> yes. >> -- because boys will have fights, not that any of it is any good, but they'll have fights and they'll move on. >> exactly. >> girls will talk about each other and become a bit more insidious when it comes to language about and spreading rumors. do you think that it's different for girls? >> absolutely. girls are very manipulative. it can be very silent. and it's relational bullying to something that's very simple like what you just saw in the video clip there from "mean girls." that suggest compliment, then turn around and make the smart remark. sometimes the victim of the smart remark will still be standing there, and they want them to still be standing there. it's very underhanded and catty an manipulative. yes. >> elizabeth, was that your experience? >> yes. they found out personal things about me and then they also played a prank on me that they videotaped and then put up on facebook, and i didn't know until the next morning when i checked my facebook. and so it was these friends that i trusted my first semester of college, then my second semester was something much different because they got close to me, found out my weak points and turned it around on me in a negative way. >> what did that do to you, elizabeth, being bullied in that way? what do you want all bullies, but especially girls because that's who you're speak on behalf of now sh to know about the way they bully other girls. >> that it really can ruin someone's life. it ruined my freshman year of college. they think that one remark isn't going to be effective in any way. they're saying it to their friends. they think that at this time's not going to hurt them. but i would go home every weekend just to get away from them. every weekend when i had to go back to school, it would be awful. i would be crying the whole time. it really ruined my freshman ye of college. >> elizabeth and lori, stand by. because we want to talk more about this. if left unchecked, what happens to mean girls? do they turn into even meaner women? i'm going to ask america's psychologist next. mean girls, eventually they grow up and head to the boardroom, of course. >> not to mention -- >> and before today you've never heard of me. >> no. >> you work a year for her and you can get a job at any magazine you want. >> you have no sense of style or fashion. >> well i -- >> no no, it wasn't a question. >> meryl streep does the ultimate bully in "the devil wears prada." you love to hate her. or you loved her or you hated her to the role. i want to bring in dr. jeff gardere. are girl bullies worse than the boy bully? >> studies show they are actually meaner than the boy bullies. >> what? >> the boys will go to fisticuffs and maybe end it in a hug or remain enemies forever, but that's about it. what we've seen with girl bullies is because girls are socialized to not be as confrontational as being physical, then they use more of a passive/aggressive form of bullying, and we see it through cyberbullying, through hurtful words. we see it through trying to keep someone out of a certain clique. so the psychological damage that can be done by a girl bully is sometimes absolutely devastating. >> so if they don't learn from it when they're in grade school or high school or in college, maybe the behavior sort of festers and grows. we saw stats there of being bullied in the workplace. >> that's right. >> why do women become bullies in the workplace? >> because they carry those attributes, they carry those personality traits, they carry a lot of those habits. they get reinforced for it, don, because no one really shoots them down. they see that they are successful in mowing down enemies, if you will, and they see that as a successful strategy in the board room. >> is there an onus on men, oh, cat fight, or do men encourage it in the workplace? >> i think what we're seeing in the workplace is this whole idea of psychological splitting, i'm good, you're bad. if they can look at women perhaps behaving badly through some of this bullying, then they can say, well, we are much more mature in what we're doing. they may be in a position of being the bosses and having women fight it out for territory. so in some ways by not helping the situation, i think men make it much, much worse. >> i wanted to look at -- because those are the numbers we had up. that's from purdue university. can we put those numbers back up? because i want to explain to our viewers exactly what they mean here. numbers from purdue university. when asked have you ever bullied in the workplace, 48% of women said yes, 19% of men said yes. >> only? 19. >> the reason being it is an unfair and unequal world and women, minorities, but we're talking about women today, tonight, women sometimes feel that they have no choice but to try to get to where they need to go, try to crash that glass ceiling, if you will, by having to resort to being mean by any means possible. we as men have to take responsibility for that especially if we're in those positions of authority that in some way sanction that kind of behavior but certainly make it difficult for women to be able to get equity by normal means. >> wow. interesting. lori and elizabeth, thank you very much. i'm glad you stuck around to listen to this. >> thank you. >> we all learn from your experience and we appreciate it. of course, our thanks to jeff gardere as well. straight ahead, he promised a lot but did the president deliver? better yet, does president obama deserve a second term? i know this is going to stir up a lot of stuff on twitter. what do you mean does he deserve a second term? whatever. a huge victory on a landmark law, but when it comes to the election, how big a factor will the supreme court's decision on health care be? i want to bring in an editor and blogger at blackchick.com. then in atlanta, for some reason, we have reversed roles here. he's a political comedian and attorney and astute observer from the political left. so here we go. based on his achievements, his promises kept, does president obama deserve a second term? and before you answer that, we want to check our very -- this is an unscientific progress report, all right? on health care, love it or hate it, he did it. a thank you note to justice john roberts, of course, mr. president. on the economy, i have to say no. we're still stuck with high unemployment, slow growth and the stimulus bill didn't stimulate much according to some. so what do you think? can he run on that portion of his record? first, i go to the naysayer, i'm sure, crystal, who is here. >> no, the president does not deserve another term. an abysmal record. he's brought debt and division. >> listen, i didn't say. >> and high joblessness. >> i didn't say if you liked his achievement ors if you agreed with them. i said based on what he has accomplished without -- and that's hard for you to say on the right. >> what he's accomplished is obama care which is now a tax as chief justice roberts has told us. not only are americans out of jobs, they have to be taxed more. >> that is a talking point. >> no, it's not a talking point. >> it's under the tax clause. and you have -- if you don't pay your taxes, that is a penalty. >> it is a tax. >> no, if you don't pay your taxes, you get penalized but that is a penalty. >> don, have you red obama care? >> i have. >> there are $500 billion in taxes -- >> that's a talking point. that's not a taxation part of -- >> 500 billion in the first ten years. >> let's go on. dean, what do you think? >> first of all, i love being in atlaa, i love this desk. i want to take it over. i want to take it over. secondly, obama deserves a second term. on job growth he'll get a c. >> i'm shocked. >> that's not doing great. on health care a great achievement. stimulus did help. unemployment was at 10% just in october of 2010, come down to 8. %. not great, but getting better. 27 months in a row job creation. 27 months in a row, job creation. it's not a tax, by the way. >> listen, that's what people don't understand. i'm not political at all. i really don't care much about politics, but no one can seem to get their brains around you don't have to be on the left or on the right, as i read it it is not under the commerce clause but the taxation part. but it doesn't mean it's a tax because it falls under that clause. that's a talking point. the reason crystal is so quiet when you talk, dean, she can't hear you. >> perfect. this is the greatest conversation ever. let me talk about crystal for a few seconds. >> we want to go back to our progress report here. on gay rights, he's done what he promised. ended don't ask, don't tell. he came out in favor of gay marriage. he didn't do a sweeping thing that it must happen across the country. on terrorism also a checkmark. he killed osama bin laden. he pulled the troops out of iraq. aggressive use of military drones. is that enough for a second term? >> no, the use of military drones we're killing tris who we can't bring back home and question for future attacks on the country. this president leads from behind, syria, libya, egypt. he doesn't have a plan. and he sits on the sidelines, which is why iran now is nuclearing up, if you will, and israel is the one who has to take the lead. so and -- >> are you at a loss for words? >> i was hope to hear dean in the background. i don't think i'll hear dean today. >> i won't interrupt her. >> it was the bush policies enacted waterboarding that enabled to president to capture osama bin laden. give credit where credit is due. >> that's the greatest litany of talking points i've ever heard, that's why she ran out of thing to say. libya's worked out well, egypt, a real question we'll have to wait and see. osama bin laden keeping us safe from terrorism. obama did that, bush failed. >> i'm being told my producer, both sides are getting too in leads. why are you getting your talking points from the tea party, don? it's mitt romney's chance next. all right. we are back now. we just graded the president. now they're back to take a look at mitt romney's progress report. romney has a record on health care. it is the inspiration for obama care. basically the same thing but now it's national. romney insists it was the right thing for massachusetts but not for the nation. we'll give him credit for insuring almost everyone in his state. on the economy and business career, massachusetts ranked 47th in the country in job creation but romney said his career at bain capital created literally thousands of jobs. so we'll give him a question mark on that. dean s mitt romney looking presidential on these issues? >> he looks like woody from "toy story." a stiff wooden guy. is he looking presidential? mitt romney if the number one issue is jobs and the economy, and we know it is, it will be a difficult sell. 47th in job creation. at bain capital. issues like health care and stopping the individual mandate and trying to repeal and replace is a much better fight for him than the economy. >> you know, dean, i'm laughing because president obama was a grass roots activist, then he became a senator and didn't finish out his term. mitt romney was governor of mass chute, he took unemployment from 6.3% to 4.6%. at bain capital which he started in 1984, he created jobs, he created staples, domino's -- he helped create staples, domino's, brookstone, lots of jobs, helped companies stay alive. he's a job creator. and the olympics, let's talk about the olympics. $300 million in debt, mitt romney ended the 2002 olympics $100 million profit. he does know how to run a business. this president is in over his head. all the things i've listed about mitt romney make him infinitely more qualified to lead the country out of this jobless morass. >> on social issues his inconsistency earns him an x. he's been hard to pin down on gun control, abortion even immigration. he famously took over the 2002 olympics that were in disarray. he turned things around. we'll rate that a success. in all honesty, if you talk to people involved with the olympics, they say he didn't do anything, he was a figure head. >> barack obama's a figure head. >> that's what i'm saying, it was on his watch. i'm saying you have to give him credit for that. did you hear me say that? does romney's record meet the overall office test? >> absolutely because mitt romney has struggled with tough issues, immigration, health care that you pointed out. he said romney care was the right solution for the states, but he's also offered a new health care plan which says repeal and replace but also portability for insurance across state lines. >> i want dean to respond to that. go ahead, dean. >> i think mitt romney is very, very hard to pin down. the guy has been pro health care and pro choice and pro life. his campaign slogan should be "me too." he's tough to run against. to me he's not a flip-flopper. he's a ceo, a byman. if the slogan doesn't work, he changes the slogan. >> hope and change hasn't worked. >> i've got to ask this, when we talk about this whole health care issue, i've been watching both sides from the really far left media to the far right. it's a huge win, a win is a win to no, this win is now a loss because -- when does a win become a loss? how does that happen? two seconds. >> 32% of the american people still think that obama care is a bad idea. they reject it. >> i'm sorry, 32% approve of it. i had it wrong, 32% approve of it. the approval has always been below 50%. >> isn't that because 80% don't know what it does. >> they know exactly what it does, government takeover of health care. >> i don't think the democrats or president obama sold as well as they went to the court. they were waiting for the court to decide. he has motivated the right more than they were going to be able to struck down. >> we've been talking about het care, so my producers tell us that we're fat, meaning we're heavy. >> what? >> on time. you're the comedian, don't you know that. >> dean doesn't look heavier than me. >> don looks a little chunky. >> don't hate dean. >> i'm not hating. i'm being playful. i love your dress. up next -- >> tom cruise and katie holmes and the end of tomkat. why some say scientology is to blame. i grew up diving in the florida keys, and it was just the most magical placep the coral reef were so pretty. i decided that's what i wanted to do for a living is dive on coral reefs. where there's live coral, there's always more fish. recreational opportunities for million of people i was diving for 40 years and over time i saw those coral reefs start to die. coral reefs worldwide are in decline. if coral reefs die completely, coastal communities would be bankrupt, tourism would be virtually gone. a billion people in the world will be impacted. i started thinking how can we fix this problem. my name is ken nedimyer, i restore coral reefs. we've developed a system that's simple and something that we can train other to do. we start with a poos of coral this big and when we hang it on the trees, after about a year or two, it becomes this big, then we cut the branchs off and we do it again. >> ken's coral nursery is one of the largest in the wider caribbean, ten times larger than the other that are in existence. >> in 2003 we originally planted six corals here, now there's over 3,000 growing in this area alone. before i felt helpless watching it die, now i think there's hope. itz's not too late. everybody can help. i see all those corals and all this fish. like this whole reef is coming back to life. making a difference is exciting. we've never seen you behave this way before. >> i know. >> have you ever felt this way before? >> i'm in love! i'm in love! it seems like just yesterday that tom cruise jumped on oprah's couch professing his love for katie holme, but this week tomkat, as the couple became known, is calling it quits, sadly. political comedian and attorney dean o ba dally is back. i don't know why we brought him back. we're laughing but divorce is no laughing matter. randy, do you think scientology, that's what people are saying, played a part in their split? >> goodness, who knows really what's going on deep down inside in their own minds. but could it have? sure. when she says she wants sole custody. and that's to send a message that you want to be the decisionmaker. you want to raise your child with your beliefs and your value. that may be the one point that says yeah, maybe it was about scientology. >> it is also being reported -- this is not cnn's reporting, but she wants sole custody because she doesn't want suri associated with scientology. have you heard that? >> i've not heard that. but almost every case resolved with some kind of shared parenting. so say out loud i want sole custody, you're making the statement that you want to be the one deciding which church your child goes to, which school your child goes and which doctor, could it be scientology? maybe there are other decisions of his that she doesn't agree with, but time will tell. >> dean, you're an attorney as well. so is randy. i wish i was there in atlanta. >> we're happy in atlanta. >> no doubt there had to be a pre-nup with this marriage. >> there was. it's funny they were fighting over suri. i thought they were fighting over siri, it's an iphone app, let it go. i was raised in two faiths. if they don't make a combination of the two faiths, it can be a loft problems. katie holmes is really catholic and tom cruise is scientologist. it could be an issue that simple. >> you and crystal ate up all the time, so randy, we gave you short shrift, so we'll have you back. as long as no one doesn't get hurt. who doesn't love a good trip? you don't have to be in front of a television to stay connected. you can do it from your computer at work. cnn.com/tv. debit card, and so ds bill, an identity thief whoso ds stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts and stole her hard-earned money. now meet jack. after 40 years, he finally saved enough to enjoy retirement. angie, the waitress at jack's favorite diner, is also enjoying his retirement. with just a little information, she's opened up a credit line, draining the equity in jack's home. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. see, ordinary credit monitoring services tell you after your identity has been stolen. they may take up to 60 days to alert you-- too late for jack. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified in time to help stop it. if jack had lifelock's 24/7 proactive protection, he could have been alerted by phone or e-mail as soon as they noticed an attack on their network, before it was too late. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free-- that's right, 60 days risk free-- use promo code "not me". order now and get this document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands-- a $29 value, free. [click-click] [♪...] it doesn't take much to make a clown of yourself, half an inch to be exact. this video captures new yorkers tripping over a subway step, the problem, it's just a half inch higher than it should be. well, it took this video going viral for the city to fix the mismeasurement. it got us talking or reminiscing about our favorite near-falls. first, the president. there he is, the other day in florida. oh! then here is hillary clinton. whoa. she had a little trouble boarding an airplane. even gerald ford took a famous tumble, and he was our most -- one of our most athletic presidents. even those who watch their step can find ways to be embarrassed. former president george w. bush, he was an expert. we all have those moments. have a nice trip. i'm don lemon. see you back here tomorrow night. good night. >> the exclusive interview three years in the making. the one person who knew michael jackson better than anyone else. his mother, catherine jackson. >> every day i think about michael. michael looked back at the times and said he was abused. they call it abuse, but sometimes if it wasn't for the strap, what would this world be like today? >> did you ever hope he would find true love? >> i always thought about that, but michael seemed happy. he found a lot of joy in his children. >> the talent michael hid from the world. >> he loved art a lot. he loved paintings and water colors and even crayons. >> her explosive theory about conrad murray. >> here did a terrible thing. there might have been others involved. >> catherine jackson in an extraordinary hour. the interview starts now. tonight an extraordinary look at michael jackson's private through his artwork. he started drawing as a child and new revelations about the iconic singer. much is kept in a airport hangar