nothing. >> we'll take it away. enjoy the rest of your afternoon. we'll see what we can do here now that you're done. it's a done deal, the government still open for business. democrats and republicans coming together at the very last minute to pass a budget. president obama is expected to sign it any minute now, we'll bring that to you. it funds the government through friday. lawmakers say they have a deal to keep the government operating through september, that's when they start talking about the budget of 2012. it calls for more than $38 billion in cuts, that's what they agreed to from the president's original spending proposal. republicans originally wanted $61 billion in cuts. among the issues the two sides were fighting over funding for planned parenthood. republicans dropped their demands to strip a lot of that funding for now but it is on the table. democrats have agreed to consider it. sources tell cnn democrats in the senate also agreed to take up a republican initiative to repeal president obama's health care overhaul law. here's what he and the house speaker said right after the deal was struck. >> we protected the investments we need to win the future. at the same time we also made sure that at the end. day this was a debate about spending cuts. not social issues like women's health and the protection of our air and water. these are important issues that deserve discussion. just not very debate about our budget. >> i'm pleased that senator reid and i and the white house have been able to come to an agreement that will cut spending and keep our government open. >> our congressional correspondents have been working this story for us for weeks and certainly drinking a lot of coffee waiting to see what happens. one thing that no one has been able to find out in all the reading and blogs is whole exactly the cuts entail. what will get trimmed. >> we know what some of them may, certainly because some of the things that were on the table when house republicans passed their initial bill with $61 billion in cuts. there were a lot of controversial things as far as democrat side. cuts for nutrition assistance for women and children. cuts to environmental protection agency. cuts to the head start program. we're waiting to see exactly how this flushes out when we look at the cuts on a smaller scale at $38.5 billion. we're going to be finding that out. the bill will be posted online on monday and then we'll see a vote on wednesday. >> all right. ed, let me ask you, brianna i'll let you weigh in on this as well. from the senate's perspective there was a lot of theater surrounding all of this. people were frustrated. there was a little bit of panic among military families, what this would mean to them. how much of this was real? did everyone expect that there would be a deal or what was really going on? blow all that smoke away from my eyes. >> political theater in washington? yeah. i'm sure you're shocked to know there was some theater to this. in all reality we're told by white house officials the president did not know for sure that there was at least some sort of an agreement in principle on the broader budget deal until about 10:30 p.m. eastern time. that's only 90 minutes before that midnight deadline to shut down a large part of the federal government. so i think, of course, there's theater on both sides, there's partisanship and back and forth. this was real in the sense that they still were not quite there right up until the final moments. >> all right. brianna, let me ask you about the tea party and the whole role of the tea party in this. it does seem that they were able, if nothing else, to move their agenda in terms of looking at president obama's health care plan, they were able at least to get that on the table in terms of now the senate is going to be able to take a look and vote on it. so there was some real accomplishments as far as the tea party is concerned. yes or no? >> certainly there was an impact. and you have a faction of republicans very fiscally conservative, wanted as many cuts as possible. but keeping in mind, deb, there are certainly some tea party voters who are not happy with this deal. some tea party leaders who say this isn't enough. and there are some tea party back members who will never vote for this at $38.5 billion. it's not enough for them. we focus on the tea party but we're also -- we shouldn't lose track of another faction of republicans who also had quite a impact on this and that's social conservatives. remember abortion was an issue. republicans insisted it wasn't the only issue. democrats insisted it was the only issue as we went into the homestretch here but they also were able to push their agenda, make some demand and certainly get some return on that. >> and, ed, president obama sort of stayed behind a little bit on this. clearly he was watching everything that was going on and being briefed. but you got the sense that this was really being played out in congress. he stepped out once or twice to say we could have done this deal months ago. what was his role in all of this? >> well, look they laugh inside the west wing of the white house behind me to those kinds offing fights and hammering in the media because they remember back in the health care fight there was some talk maybe he's too far in the weed, the white house. he's become legislator in chief and that was weighing him down on jobs. now he takes more of a back seat and people are saying why are you not more involved. the bottom line is they believe within the administration, they may be wrong but this is what they believe it was better to reserve the president, not have him get his hands dirty early in the process, save him for the final 72 hours or so which they did, for example yesterday in the final day he spoke by phone with john boehner no less than four times. so he was very active in the final hours and they feel like using their best weapon in the final hours is what helped push it across the finish line. on brianna's point about the tea party not being satisfied that obviously helps john boehner a little bit sell this around the country and the independent voters look i didn't sell out to the right they are not pleetly happy with this and i can tell you that the tea party at least regardless of where you stand politically they make one very fair point which is that these $38.5 billion cuts is miniscule, less than 1% of the entire federal budget. everybody may be patting themselves on the back for a big victory but there's a lot of bigger budget battles ahead. >> brianna, ed, great job. we'll be following up on this topic a lot more later on during the show. moving on to libya. two new developments in the libya war. moammar gadhafi is seen in public for the fir time in quite a while. video shows him visiting a school in tripoli, one he says nato had on its target list. the african union agrees to meet with both sides. ben joins us by phone just outside of ajidabiya. >> reporter: accords to eyewitnesses there was a three hour battle between opposition fighters and loyalist, several dead on both sides. according to eyewitnesses who went to the hospital, three of the dead gadhafi fighters are not from libya. one had i.d. from syria, another from algeria, another from the africa cancun of chad. nato aircraft was involved in today's battle bombing on the eastern end, western side of the city according to residents of the town. at this point it does appear that the opposition has retain control of this critical city. this is the last city before the stronghold of benghazi. so very important for the opposition to retake control of this town after, as i said, a three hour battle in the streets. >> ben wiedeman thank you. we'll check with you later on to find out what the opposition, what towns they've got and what gains and what losses can be expected. ben wiedeman joining us from libya. next door, shades of the hosni mubarak regime today. the military attacked a large group of demonstrators in cairo using guns, clubs and tear gas to break up the crowds. >> reporter: egyptians woke up today to once again barricades erected around cairo's landmark square. 15 union officers and army that defied a ban by their generals and joined protests here that took place on friday. around 3:00 in the morning eyewitnesses tell us that the military tried to come in to for the demonstrators out of this area. it was after curfew. there were long rounds of gunfire, vehicles tompd and the people here coming out here very angry and confused over just what took place here. >> we have tortured a lot of us and beat a lot of us for three hours. >> reporter: a spokesman is blaming what happened here, the tear gas, the bullet, the burned vehicles on remnants of the former regime of hosni mubarak. in the eyes we've spoken to this may have struck a crippling blow to the credibility of the ruling military council which took over executive and legislative powers in egypt after hosni mubarak stepped down on february 11th. now we're seeing signs that demonstrators are going to continue their sit in here in the square instead of facing off the former president hosni mubarak, they are now appearing to head towards a conflict, a standoff with the ruling military. ivan watson, cnn, cairo. >> ivan watson there. dutch police say a gunman opened fire at a mall today killing five people. hank, what have you learned? >> reporter: i'm learning that six people killed, so the shooter himself killed himself as well in the end. five other people killed. there's still four critically wounded. at this very moment the police evacuating three other shopping buildings in this town because they think they got some information that he might have planted some explosives on other sites in this town as well. >> henk, we remember the boshing that took place outside of a shopping mall back in december. is there a suggestion that this is some sort of connection to terrorism? is this an isolated individual? what are they learning? what do they know? >> reporter: they don't give us a lot of information just yet. but i that it they are really thinking of someone who is a loner and trying to rule out the fact that he would be part of a terror group. that's my feeling. that's the information i got that they told us that he is a citizen from this town, in his mid-20s and they are actually thinking that he did this action by himself. >> but no right now, he didn't leave any -- there's no indication or evidence that he left, any notes that this was a terrorist attack or he was doing this in retaliation for anything, no indication that's the case. i know that's early. >> reporter: seems there has bean letter found in his apartment or in his car, but police does not want to confirm that piece of information. but it seems weird three hours after the shooting they have decided to block off and evacuate new centers, shopping centers in this town. so i think that points to the direction of him leaving a note, saying that he has also planted other bombing materials in different spots in this town. but this is rumor or vision, it's not a fact. i have not had that confirmed. >> henk van der da. thank you very much. how did planned parenthood become such a huge stumbling block in the budget battle. that's next. and form a resilient layer called biofilm? 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[ male announcer ] for a deeper clean, fight biofilm with listerine®. one of the major sticking points in getting that budget deal done was planned parenthood. why of that such a big deal for both sides. paul steinhauser joins me now. why did this one issue hold up this budget battle for months. >> this budget battle is about the 2011 fist-year-old. both parties have 2012 next election on their minds. democrats yesterday, you heard it from senate majority leader from harry reid they were talking about how planned parenthood and republicans push to defund part of planned parenthood. they said that was the big sticking point. now maybe this is a message from democrats to women voters, watch out republicans when it comes to your reproductive and health care rights they are trying to take away funding and democrats said this was the big sticking point. take a look at this. this is exit polls. how did women vote. 2006, 55% went for democrats. in 2008 up to 56%. but a drop in last year's mid-term elections. what the democrats were doing here was partially a push towards next year to get back that woman's vote. >> on some level there was almost political jockeying going on. so people can position themselves for the next set of elections. >> that was definitely an undercurrent. senate democrats were fundraising off this planned parenthood push. republicans were saying the opposite. this had nothing do with planned parenthood. this is about cutting, the democrats aren't serious about caught, the democrats weren't cutting enough. republicans yesterday and all week were emphasizing, this is the exit poll from last year's mid-term elections. people who said reducing the deficit was their highest priority. they voted overwhelmingly for republicans. it was the tea party activists that helped republicans win back the house. it was the republicans who said we're serious about cutting and more is coming. >> the tea party people were given some credit for actually holding firm to this, we got to cut. we got to cut. president obama want ad spending freeze which means the levels of spending who have remained the same. they were able to negotiate about $38.5 billion in cuts. more interestingly, i think, is obama's health care, president obama's health care plan that's now on the table. there was some significant sort of, i don't want to call then upheavals it guarantee as vote on the senate. so that's in jeopardy. is that fair or an overstatement? >> i think that's fair to a degree. remember why? one of the selling points, i guess from republicans to voters in last year's election they wanted to either repeal and replace the president's health care which is now the law of the land. so it was a huge issue in the last election. we saw it being played out in this budget battle. it will continue to be a big issue through next year's presidential election. >> thanks so much, paul. the justice department does a 180 on the 9/11 trials. this turn about not unexpected but is it the right move? stand by our legal guys are ready to weigh on the possible repercussions and a lot more. they are coming up next. so the obama administration reverses course and sends 9/11 terror trials back to guantanamo bay. we'll bring in our legal guys. avery friedman is in cleveland and a new york defense attorney joins us from las vegas. first of all, gentlemen, attorney general eric holder i heard him speak. he said that they had a very strong case. they really felt this could be done in civilian court but the pressure from outside was simply too great and they felt it was a no win situation. do you think that's the case? do you think this case could have been won in a federal court? let's start with you, richard. >> well, here's what i think. here's what i think the bottom line here is. you remember the trial was held in new york. in that case he was the driver for -- >> the embassy bombers. he played a big role. prosecutors felt they could get him. 248 counts against him. they convicted him on one. was that too close for comfort? >> way too close. that's why in my opinion the case is going back to gitmo and they got scared. can you imagine if this individual or this group got acquitted. the country could go insane. the constitution says you must provide some sort of legal process. it's vague. that's what it says. it's argued these military tribunals are constitutionally permissible and the words that president obama used when he ran that the bush doctrine, the bush laws were draconian, ineffective and contra to the united states. >> avery is shaking his head. what is your problem with this. why should this not be done? >> well, look the hallmark of a free society are open courtrooms. the fact is america is the model for the world. you know what, deb? we had over 300 convictions involving terrorists. and the reason i'm so upset about this and my heart is heavy about it is because we are able to do these trials. even the republicans, guys like rudy giuliani and bloomberg said you know what? they committed these murders here in new york city, let's try them here and all of a sudden i'm hearing language about traffic jams. there are 4,000 dead americans who are fighting for our freedom, now we're going to have a secret or semi secret court trying sheik mohammad. >> he's representing himself so we'll see how that turns out. this next topic is a big one. remember gentlemen the duke, what happened in duke, the disgraced prosecutor nike nifong, he's been disbarred. bad ruling against him by the judge because those lacrosse players they are suing him saying that it was prosecutorial misconduct, he fabricated evidence. avery, what do you think? >> well, actually richard loves this guy. the fact is that u.s. district judge came down with a very comprehensive, actually two rulings holding mr. nifong to the fire. he'll go trial along w-listen to this, duke university officials. essentially the underlying theory here is that fourth amendment prohibits unreasonable search and seizure. nifong among other things withheld dna evidence which would have shown the innocence for these young men. federal district judge did the right thing. >> richard, johnson in. i have a question. what is your reaction to that? >> the significance of the ruling was the judge cure tailed the amount of damages that the plaintiffs could win. he did not let it go to punitive damages which could have been in the million, perhaps. but in this case the judge limited the measure of damages at least against the city to actual damages. actual lost wages or lost educational opportunities. but he took away the punitive. that's a bad ruling. but he allowed the punitive against duke university. >> i find that fascinating. you can't sue the government but you can sue the university. guess who has more money right now. >> that's the law for 25 years. >> absolutely. interesting note and i think it was richard you brought up this the young lady who brought the charges against these young men she's and i little bit of hot water now herself isn't she? >> well, you know, she just had a rough weekend and she allegedly stabbed her boyfriend multiple time. they arrested her and she's being held on $300,000 bail. after she did 88 days in jail for child abuse. she's clearly got some problems in addition to the fact that she ruined so many lives from this duke debacle. >> thanks to anifong. >> this is their chance to, if nothing else get back their reputations. they can't get back what they lost while in college. richard and avery -- >> most of the cases have settled. >> we'll see. >> all right. we're going to come back to you because i can't stop talk towing. at any rate thanks so much. hang tight. we'll be back with you in about 20 minutes to discuss about a talkative teenager and the teacher who taped her mouth shut. can she do that? >> it seems more people cheat on their tax when it comes to age. who cheats more, men or women? the answer after the break. join me on twitter. follow the conversation. with positively radiant spf 30. with active naturals soy, it's now proven to visibly transform all five factors of radiance; tone, texture, blotchiness, dullness and brown spots. so now the definition of radiant skin... you're looking at it. 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[ male announcer ] visit and put a confident retirement more within reach. before the break we asked who cheats more on their taxes, men or women? take a look. according to cnn men, you win. you're the cheaters. the break down 64% of men cheat compared to 36% of women. three likely gop presidential candidates are in south carolina. you can guess what they are talking about. newt gingrich was speaker of the house when the government shut down back in the 1990s. this morning he said this step is in the right direction but not good enough for the long term. >> this administration and frankly politicians for a long time have been all too willing to pile debt to make decisions to buy something. we're saying to our children and grandchildren we'll make you pay for our house although the house won't be there. >> peter is in greenville, south carolina this morning. the candidates are there. are they declaring this a victory. they taking a lap there? >> they are declaring it sort of a victory. they are praising and applauding john boehner and house republicans for negotiating a deal and avoiding a government shutdown. they say this is a just a tiny fight. bigger fights are to come over the debt ceiling and paul ryan's 2012 budget. but they are taking something of a victory lap and they are praising republicans in washington while they are down here in south carolina on the hustle for the 2012 presidential race. >> what does the straw poll show? >> that's correct. greenville county which is the biggest county in south carolina, most populace and a crucial conservative county in this state that as a big the role play in the presidential primary in 2012 that will -- sir, move on. the winner of straw poll was rick santorum. he won the straw poll of 31%. that's not a surprise because he's been in the state about a dozen times in this part of the state a few times as well. so an important straw poll here in south carolina. >> thanks so much. obviously a couple of people not liking the fact that you're filling the rest of the country going on what's going there. takes a lot of work to stand up and i room full of people. the war between north and south began 150 years ago this week when rebels fired on fort sumpter. civil war re-enactors have gathered from across the fort. i one if there had been a shutdown the re-enactors would have had to change plans? >> reporter: yeah. maybe 2011 there in atlanta, it's 1861 here. hundreds of re-enactors have gathered to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the civil war. until midnight last night they were on pins and needles because they would have had to move. they would have locked the gates at midnight. they are delighted that they are able to do it here on the actual grounds where these things happen. they don't want to see any politicians here. nobody i talked to was happy with either party or the president about what went on. this may not be as important as some of the functions that the federal government does on a daily basis but 800,000 people a day visit the national park. people may not realize it's federal property. a lot of people on this beautiful weekend here are happy that they managed to keep it going. >> one of the re-enactors going to bomb fort sumpter? >> reporter: that's tuesday morning. about 4:30 tuesday morning when that happened 150 years ago. fort sumpter is out on an 0 island own charleston harbor. the army is doing what armies do best, hurrying up and waiting and getting ready to do their next round of things they have been doing drills and they eat with just and drink out of civil war era implements here. they are having a great time. this would not have gone over as well if they to go to some parking lot somewhere in charleston and try to get this going off of federal property. >> see how much more they were rel relaxed. before ipods, blackberry. we'll check in with you later. charlie sheen and jimmy buffet may be battling it out for the phrase tiger blood. our legal guys will be weighing in next. go to e-trade and get unbiased analyst ratings and 24/7 help from award-winning customer support to take control of your finances and your life. tap into the power of revolutionary mobile apps. to trade wherever. whenever. life isn't fully experienced sitting idly by. neither is investing. e-trade. investing unleashed. >> female announcer: sandals luxury included resorts now include a once-in-a-lifetime offer: book now, save up to 65%. call 1-800-sandals. what's the big news in priority mail flat rate boxes and envelopes from the postal service? over a billion used. a chatty teen doesn't stop talk when her teacher tells her too. should the teacher be able to be duct tape her mouth shut? our legal guys are back. avery, what do you think, crossing a line? >> absolutely. i mean, it seems to me that teachers have certain professional standards and it strikes me that when teachers start having to use physical constraints, then they fail to do what they are supposed to be doing. this doesn't rise to the level of a lawsuit by any means. this is actually bad professional work by the teacher. at very least she owes the student an apology. >> richard what do you think about this? there are rules. there are rules. was this an actual violation? >> well, deb, i think number one this teacher should be terminated immediately. number two i disagree with avery. i would file a lawsuit. i would get the child into therapy right now. she got duct taped in front of her entire case. who knows if she's having nightmares about this. it's really ridiculous that the teacher can't control the class they have to be terminated. simple as that pap lot of teachers want to work these days. >> avery, you think that's going too far? >> yeah. a little extreme. richard's answer is based on a lot of assumptions. >> she was talking so maybe at least she learned not to talk in class. that opens up a host of issues because she's not the only teacher in florida. i want to move on to the barry bonds perjury trial. jury deliberations began this week in the barry bond steroid trial. bonds never took the stand to explain the allegations. not only that he didn't even call any witnesses. do you think the prosecution's case is air tight? richard, starting with you. go. >> no. the prosecution's case is a mess. it's an absolute mess, deb. one of the counsel is already dismissed on consent earlier. what's going to happen here i believe at this point he's only going to get convicted on one count and that's of anderson injecting him with a steroid and that act was eyewitnessed by someone who doesn't have a doing this fight. that's the only conviction. not that he willingly and intentionally lied to the grand jury. house arrest, probation on this multimillion dollar trial that took place. >> avery, take it to the next step. maybe he gets convicted on one count. doesn't that still destroy his reputation and call everything else into question? yeah the prosecution's case may be a mess but you only need one to destroy a reputation. avery, what do you think? >> exactly right. i mean there's going to be an ast ast ast asterisk behind his name. nobody cares if there's ten counts, fire counts, one count, there's going conviction. richard is right in this respect. the personal shopper who testified, she did not have a dog in the fight, jury will buy it. i'm thinking two, probably one conviction. once that happens reputation up in smoke no doubt about it. >> let me ask you a question. just as the public looking at this basically, deli to tid he the grand jury. what do you think, richard? >> deb, if you look at the steroid era in major league baseball and the records that were set during this four, five year period of time, there are astronomi astronomical. hank aaron is the true home run champ. >> the gift that keeps on giving. i want to move on the charlie sheen. he has filed for trademark protection for more than 20 of his infamous bad boy catch phrases, including duh winning. tiger blood. vatican assassin and rock star from mars. should he be allowed to coin those phrases? is this actually an interesting marketing strategy, avery? >> yeah. wonderful trademarking. it's not going to make up for the $1.8 million per episode he was making. he's putting those phrases on hats and brass and all sorts of things and selling this stuff. some of the markets loving this guy. detroit hated him. came to this town, put on his cleveland indians outfit. played "wild thing" in the background the crowd went nuts. >> trademarking these very generic phrases. by the way listen you hear him being booed on stage. this did not go very well. he showed up last night, i got a tweet, he showed up like half an hour late to the show he was supposed to do. can he actually trademark these phrases? >> some of them he will. jimmy buffet beat him to the punch on tiger blood. i have breaking news. one of my attorneys in my office stephanie went to the show last night and i'm embarrassed to say this, the ring side seats, orchestrate seats went from $30 to $100. any hecklers were thrown out. the show ended an hour early. >> that's charlie sheen. >> exactly. maybe the love affair is a little bit over with charlie sheen. >> i think so. >> at least he's trying to diversify his career portfolio by selling t-shirts or bras or whatever. >> is that what that is? >> you know, i'm an optimist. gentlemen, always a pleasure to have you. richard herman, avery friedman thanks so much. we'll check in with you later on. you guys have a great afternoon. well a large part of the country is under a threat for severe weather. we'll tell you about that and where next. 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that was really high. looks like we're getting close to it on sunday. right now it's not raining, there we're just watching for more snow melt with warmer temperatures. we do have some updates on the severe weather happening right now. in fact as we can see we have a brand new watch box. let's zoom in on it here. just to the east of what you saw earlier. to is south of charleston to knoxville. kentucky, western north carolina, tennessee, parts of west virginia and western virginia. so it's going to be an active volatile day for severe weather. heavy downpours of rain hitting cincinnati moving into lexington county. same storms moved through louisville this morning. flash flooding has been reported in parts of indiana. that's where we had water covering some of the roadways. do not attempt to travel across any road that has water covering it, your don't know how deep it is and it only takes a few inch of water to dislodge even an suv. water would be a good thing here. across the southwest and southern plains. windy, dry and very hot conditions. this is kicking up fire danger in the region. we've been reporting on that for the past week or so particularly in oklahoma. but today things are changing. this storm system that's working its way across the west is kicking up winds in albuquerque. gusts as high as 60 miles per hour. that will make for some problems. o'hare, some ground delays at 30 minutes. clouds and showers roll through. chicago will see worse weather tomorrow. temperatures will heat up to well past the 80 degree mark but get a little bit severe. finally we're tracking wintry weather across the mountain west, snow and winter weather advisories across utah, colorado, parts of nevada. so we're seeing it all here today that's for sure. >> bonnie schneider, thank you so much for bringing us up to date. they are an american family and got it all. a home, lots of love and a pleasant surprise when tax return rolled around this time. their story. that's next. many parents much adopted children are getting quite a shock this tax season. here's a switch. this tax shock it's a good one. here's cnn poppy harlow. >> get up. >> it's an adventure every single day. because one day you come home from school and it's just you and your mom here and the next day you come home from school and it's three extra kids and you go hi. >> put the trash can away. >> north carolina native selma and david ward raised six kids of their own. they fostered more than 100 children. some they couldn't let go. >> you adopted six kids. >> yes ma'am. >> why? >> because they didn't have a permanent home. >> there was nowhere for them to go. >> they budget carefully on a modest income but they were never banking on this. >> total savings how much? >> $54,292. >> oh, my goodness. in one year. >> believe it or not, that's their tax refund. which even shocked their tax preparer. >> $54,000 is as much money as some families make in an entire year. >> it's thanks to at that little known cause in the affordable care act. >> this is the first year since the adoption tax credit was created that families who adopt can get up to roughly $13,000 in cash for each child they bring into their home. this really helps lower income families like the wards. people that don't really make enough known have a big tax liability so a tax credit it just doesn't help them. >> what was it like when you got the phone call saying you're getting $54,000 back. is that what you did? >> yeah, that's what she did. >> high five, high five. >> this is something that they really need because it's always been we got to pay this, this is next. this child needs that. our family is big. you can't let anything slide by. for home to have a chance to breathe and say okay you can breathe for a moment and rest. i think it's good for them. >> what will you do for yourselves? >> just see my kids. that's all i need. money come, money go. we're all we got. >> in smithfield, north carolina, poppy harlow, reporting. a quick check now ofour top story. president obama is expected to sign a temporary budget that funds the government through friday. this will allow lawmakers to finish up final details on a deal that will keep the government operating through the end of the 2011 fiscal year. it calls for more than $38 billion in cuts. and egyptian security forces attacked a crowd of demonstrators in cairo today. they stormed into the crowd using guns, tear gas and clubs to break them up