responders did. they made sure america heard their stories about what happened to them, and these are the men and women literally running up the towers and people running down. they were there first to look for survivors and then remains and do you the cleanup. what jon stewart said was these are the men and women that answered the call of duty. these are our heroes. we can't leave them behind. because he put a spotlight on it. a guy named john field who lost half his foot when he had an injury at ground zero, he brought men and women to lobby capitol hill for years now. vk jon stewart amplify the work really made a difference. >> are the first responders responding to that saying he brought it to the forefront? >> everyone is so appreciative. this is something that a lot of the news started to cover over the last several weeks. that made a difference. when hometown newspapers were writing editorials in saers states, the senators noticed this is something that's important to the american people. that's why fundamentally this is a triumph of our democracy of the american people. they were victims and a lot of children are suffering from asthma and other grave health effects. >> we're so thankful for the first responders. thank you. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> the 9/11 health bill is known as the james adrove va act for fallen new york detectives. they say he died of his respiratory he contracted at ground zero. he was inside the world trade center when it began to collapse. he got out. he spent more than 470 hours afterwards digging through debris and inhaling fumes at the site. he was just 34 years old. a powerful earthquake rattled chile less than two hours ago. what's the latest? what can you tell us? >> we've had a couple of aftershocks thrp significant, about 5.0 in magnitude. we're still waiting to hear information when it comes to damage, and we've heard very little but we've heard a lot of reports people felt this and there's a lot of shaking. this is where the epicenter was. this was near tumuco chile. this was on the land and not offshore. tsunamis are not a threat. not worried about it. this was a very shallow earthquake and 7.1 magnitude is very significant. that's a major quake that can cause significant damage to buildings and also cause casualties. we're told this is a very well-structured area. this is an active seismic zone so people are prepared for earthquakes and thousands of people did flee, did get out of their homes, did get out of buildings. we still haven't heard anything in terms of serious damage or any injuries. so that's a little bit of good news out of this thing. here's consepcion. we talked about that after the earthquake happened in february. the 8.8 quake that caused major damage and killed hundreds of people. we'll continue to monitor the situation. we're likely going to getaft aftershocks for days and weeks after this. as we get more information, we'll pass it along to you. >> thanks for the latest on that. we're following this. we're learning more about the sheriff's deputy killed in ohio. her name is suzanne hopper, just 40 years old and mother of two is praised as an outstanding deputy. the sheriff of clark county said hopper held charity events for a number of causes. such a loss. she was gunned down while investigating reports of gunfire at a trailer park. the sheriff says she never had a chance. >> the deputy was investigating and saw a footprint, took out her camera to take a photograph of a footprint. it appears that the door of the trailer opened, and the person inside fired one shotgun blast striking the deputy and fatally wounding a deputy. this is the worst day in my 24 years as a sheriff of clark county. >> well, the man suspected of killing deputy hopper has been identify as 57-year-old michael dperyman. he died in a gun battle with officers. during the standoff police officer jeremy bloom was seriously injured. he's in fair condition in the hospital. an embarrassing movie night so to speak on the aircraft carrier. the crew is showned video with sexual innuendos and anti-gay remarks. the story and the tape after the break. to a whole wheat roll with olive oil, you'll go from roughly 16 grams of fat to about 6. take alli with that, and you're down to 4.5. alli helps you reach a healthier weight, when you get active, eat right, and take alli. alli will block about 25% of the fat you eat. and for every two pounds you work to lose, alli can help you lose one more. fda-approved alli -- how healthy works. learn more at fda-approved alli -- how healthy works. 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republicans hope to have enough support for it in the house including some democrats that passage would put pressure on the senate to do the same. that congress could perhaps override a veet he toe from the president, but that's a long shot. another approach for the gop is to try and dismantle the legislation piece by piece. in this new congress also look for a slew of investigations to start. republicans now have subpoena power, and the new head of the house committee on oversight and government reform says he will also be focusing on health care. >> we're going to start into the whole question of medicare. here you have $100 billion of waste. in obamacare, it didn't touch the fact that they pay to nonexistent entities in the tens of billions of dollars every year. that has to be changed. >> it will be telling to see how realms vote on raising the ceiling on the federal deficit. it's an issue. we're close to $14.3 trillion cloes to reaching that. >> an unbelievably high number. some republicans have said they will not vote to raise the debt ceiling or like senator lindsey graham are withhold their vote unless major reforms are made to entitlement program. >> i will not voetd for the debt ceiling increase until i see a plan in place to start with social security, a real bipartisan effort to make sure social security stays solvent adjusting the age and looking for benefits. >> there you hear him talking about social surety. one of the president's top economic advisers says this is not an issue to play politics with it, because if the debt ceiling isn't raised the effects could be disastrous. >> the impact on the economy would be catastrophic. that would be a worse financial economic crisis than anything we saw in 2008. >> so the 112th congress convenes wednesday, and even though both sides talk about working together and bipartisanship, that's not exactly the tone being set beforehand. back to you. >> we shall see. thanks so much. some other political news to follow this week. several states are about to get new occupants in the governor's office. swearing-in ceremonies have taken place in new york, new mexico and california and nevada swear in new leaders tomorrow. all tomorrow a showdown for michael steele. he faces off in a debate against the five candidates challenging him for the job. the navy is investigating raunchy videos produced and shown to the crew of the "uss enterprise." the videos first published yid by the virginia pilot newspaper are filled with sexual innuendo and anti-gay references. they were shown to the aircraft carrier's crew in 2006 and 2007. the tapes feature this man captain owen honors. he said second in command at the time. in the tapes he's shown cursing along with other staff members in an attempt to, quote, be funny. here's a portion in which honors jokes that the superior sfrs were unaware of the tape's content. all are images of honors. take a look at it. >> i'm here with my swo and aviator alternate personalities. as usually they have no idea about the contents of the video or movie this evening, and they should not held accountable in any judicial sense. over the years i've got complaints about inappropriate material dug these videos. never to me personal by but gutlessly through other channels. >> a bizarre video. navy officials call it unaccept anl. cnn reached out for honors for her a comment. he has not responded. joining us by phone is meredith kruse. thanks so much for talking to us. is it true a crew member first brought the videos to your attention? >> that's correct. >> and then what did you do next for us seeing the images there? >> sure. we took a look at what was on the dvd and were surprised at the content of the videos. a reporter then began reaching out to find other sailors aboard "enterprise" in 2006 and 2007 and spoke to them to find out more about the content of the videos and how often they were shown and so forth. >> did the sailors say they were reluctant to speak out about it there and say i'm offended by in? >> they said there was a mixed reaction among the crew. some crew members thought they were funny. there were some people who were offended. some of whom we're told did try to make complaints about it at the time, but those complaints were brushed off. the people that we talked to did not want to be identified. they were worried about possible repercussions to their careers. >> i was surprised. i was watching it for the first time a short time ago of how elaborate this was and how much time that owen must have taken owen honors on the tape to do this, to produce the tape? >> they were really professionally done, because they were done by the ship's public affairs department. an aircraft carrier has a big public affairs apparatus. they're to document the things the crew is doing, the good things and spread the news to the folks back home. they're very high quality and very sophisticated. this wasn't somebody goofing around with a flip cam. >> their defense is saying, we were just trying to, quote, be funny and lighten things up? >> in the navy's statement they said these videos were made to entertain and inform the crew about policies on the ship. for example, maybe people are using too much water in the shower, that kind of thing. we have not seen all of the videos. we're told there are a few dozen. we only seen a few of them. we didn't see the content in the ones we saw, and that was not in the ones we share odd our website. >> the few you saw, did you find them very offensive when you looked at them? >> i would say i found them more really surprising that someone in his position would make a video like that and broadcast it to the entire ship. you know, it certainly isn't the worst video you could imagine coming to light, but it's more the role of the person who produced it and was responsible for it. >> has disciplinary action been taken, and what do you expect to see happen, if anything? >> well, at in the point the navy has told us. opened an investigation. in early 2007 with one of his officers found out about the content of the videos that he ordered a stop to the inappropriate content. so it's really not clear what's going to come out of this investigation yet because it's just started. generally speaking if the navy finds that service members have engaged in inappropriate conduct, they have a wide range of measures available to them. they could punish them nonjudicially and take somebody to court-martial if it's a more serious offense. there's cases where people are allowed to resign or retire. >> shocking indeed. meredith kruse, thank you so much. i appreciate you sharing that with us. we're following this. if you look for the right workout to work off the holiday pounds, keep it right here. we have some tips that could also save you some cash. roll up, bake, and present. very impressive! and very easy. for this recipe and more, visit i'm hugh jidette. as president, i promise your taxes will help build roads, bridges and schools. oh not here, overseas. i'll keep using your taxes to pay over one hundred billion dollars a year in interest to foreign lenders, helping their economy. hurting ours. i'm hugh jidette, let's keep borrowing. oweno, let's not. with a plan we can stop sending billions to foreign lenders, grow our economy and meet our needs. visit to stop hugh jidette. lose pounds in 2011 not your dough. we'll show you how. suzanne hopper is remembered today as an outstanding deputy. she was gunned down yesterday while investigating reports of gunfire at a trailer park outside of springfield, ohio. the 12-year veteran has two young children. her suspected killer has been identified as michael ferryman. he died during the gun battle with police. iran says it shot down two unmanned western spy planes over the persian gulf. u.s. officials vant commented. the fifth fleet is based in bahrain to protect the straight hormuz. a popular ride is shut down because of a new year's day fire. it will be closed indefinitely. no one was injured. the rest of the park is still open. after a holiday filled with treats it's back to the gym for many of us. how do you get in shape without losing your shirt or a lot of money. she's a fellow journalist and author of the go-getter girl's guide. she's due in a few days. thank you for joining us. what is the first tip? it's try before you buy, right? how do you do that? >> all these major gyms, l.a. fitness, they have trial passes. if you feel crafty, do two or three in a roll and not pay anything until february. >> you say know what's you're looking for. >> go to a gym that fits your lifestyle and personality. that's why we like to go to a gym. >> if you like classes, pick one with classes? >> test out the classes. ft it's not ten minutes away from the house, you probably aren't going to go. does it have child care or a great pool? is it a good single scene if you're looking for that. >> there was even a whole frenzy about this saying once you're locked into a gym membership, you're there for life. how do you look for good deals and short-term deals. >> you want to stick to month-to-month memberships. a 30-day cancellation policy is better. they want you to prepay for a whole year and two kweerz and get a lower monthly rate. it's not a bargain if you don't show up. another thing you can do is do a short-term deal on one of these websites like they do special boot camp deals or for local gyms do you a month for free. there was a deal for one month with four personal training sessions for $45, which is a great deal to get started for the new year. >> it sounds exhausting when you say boot camp. you say join a fitness program. is that a lifestyle or what is that? >> instead of getting a membership to an actual gym, look for one of these short-term deals that offers five classes for a special percentage off or maybe one month instead of, you know, getting locked in for a long period of time. >> do you find that a lot of people put a lot of pressure on themselves in the beginning of the new year? >> absolutely. the fact is that most people that start a resolution in january they trickle out by march. all the more reason why you don't want to submit too much up front. when you go to the gym, ask about special promotions. they're running those promotions, and one thing you can do is check with your employer about employee benefits because motor time people don't realize they could have a special corporate rate that's more than 50% off what the typical gym rate would be. >> i'm going to follow what you say about to give birth in a day. sdwl >> thank you so much. getting back home for the holidays. if you're on the road or in the air today, you may be facing tough delays. we'll get the latest from jacqui jeras. second day into 2011 and time to get back into reality. a lot of people traveling trying to get home. we turn to jacqui and she's let us know why. >> most of the time when we see delays it's because of the weather. we have a little bit of that, butt most of this is volume. how many had a whole week of vacation or two weeks maybe? so a lot of people getting in and out of the airports and just too many planes in the air causing problems. jfk has delayed at over an hour. two hours in san francisco. this one is a weather-related delay. you have the rain and low clouds there. fort lauderdale, it's volume. so it's trying to get into new wash. teterboro, ground delays ond 15 minutes. read a little newspaper or something. an hour and 25 minutes now in white plains. let's talk about some of the weather systems causing problems into the northeast. it will be rough going along the i-95 corridor. even new york city getting in mostly light rain. we're melting away that snow, are went? just incredible, so make sure and use caution. you might see flooding on the area streets and urban areas. we have yet another storm system here, believe it or not, and this one is just kind of riding along the coast and moving southward. that's why you're in the thick of this thing all day today and throughout much of yesterday. it will last into tomorrow as well. a lot of moisture in place. we see low elevation snow even down to 3,000, 4,000 feet. here's the grapevine. you have to use a lot of caution, and you get up in the higher elevations, we're talking a foot of show or so into the san joaquin valley. the rain is around the ranges of 1 too 3 inches. we have gusty winds around here, too. this is a storm system we're going to have to watch right into that reality of the work week beginning tomorrow. even las vegas can get rain and snowstorm. 42 degrees and great in the nation's mid-section with the exception of light snow showers in the upper midwest. some p.m. rain showers in the south, and the he's clears up by tomorrow. we're shaving away all the snow. can you believe it? a week ago we were talking about, what, two feet of snow in some areas? one other things i want to show you again -- do we have time for the bird story? i love the bird story. let's throw this in here. this is in arkansas about 40 miles outside of the little rock area. those are dead birds. there are about 4,000 to 5,000 black birds at that literally fell from the sky on new year's eve before midnight. they say it's happened before, so it's not terribly unusual because it's usually related to stress. they don't think any foul play or poisoning or anything. they're going to try to figure out what caused them to die. there might be evidence that fireworks caused some stress on birds. >> imagine your parents in the neighborhood and kids see that. what do you tell them? >> in your backyard you have 50 dead birds. it's like alfred hitchcock. we're going to talk about flooding in australia. it swept across parts of the states of queensland. about 1,000 people may have to evacuate. looks like they're doing it by boat. ofibls say at least 200,000 have been directly affected by the flooding. an emotional scene today in the egyptian church tarlgted in a new yir's eve bombing. tearful worshippers lit candles. cnn's senior international correspondent ben wedeman reports from egypt. >> reporter: the attack took place just ten minutes into the new year just around the corner at the church. now, at the moment there's no way to get near the church because there is an intense egyptian security presence around it. many people here, eyewitnesses complain that the night of the attack security simply was inadequate. that the egyptian police were allows people to park cars in front of the church. the egyptian authorities say they believe that the attack was the work of a suicide bomber, but eyewitnesses, several of whom i spoke with in hospital just up the street from here, say they're positive that they saw that it was a car bomb and the not a suicide bombers. that raises worries about if there was a car bomb, there's a whole logistical network that supported this attack. at this point it's not clear what the final death toll is. initially they put it at 21, but now they can only identify 18 of the bodies, the rest are body parts they simply cannot identify. the atmosphere here is very tense throughout the afternoon. there have been running battling between egyptian security and christian youth, some of whom through roshgs at the police. police respond with tear gas, rubber bullets and using their batons. we hear there are clashes in cairo as well between rioters and the the police on the main road through the nile. throughout egypt in the aftermath of these attacks, the atmosphere is indeed very intense. i'm reporting from alex andrea. >> thanks to ben wedeman. stunt pchers face danger every time they do their jobs, and it's more dangerous it appears. pe hear what some of the performers say about the risks involved. what do you say we get the look we want, the softness we need, and an unbeatable lifetime stain warranty for whatever life throws at it. then let's save big on the installation. ♪ we're lowering the cost of going barefoot. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. get exclusive martha stewart living and platinum plus installed in your whole house for only 37 bucks. welcome back. one of the stunt acrobats who suffered a serious injury performing in "spider-man" on broad way is expected to leave rehab this week. his father says his son is in better health. here's amateur video shot of that injury. he's up now walking and doing very well according to his father, and his father says christopher cannot wait to go back to the show. well, accidents like this are raising concerns as you can imagine about the overall safety of stunt performers. cnn's susan candiotti takes a look at the dangers involved. >> reporter: they're fleeing moves are stunningly beautiful and a bit frightening to watch. >> when you're performing a trick and it's something a little bit sudden or quick or swift, it can happen. it's really exciting. >> reporter: there are risks. when the knots hold? will the rigging bear the acrobatic's weight? >> if you forget a line or step, if you fall game over. >> reporter: an actor in "spider-m "spider-man" is fourth performer injured in the $65 million broadway play still in previews. how dangerous this profession? >> okay. well danger is kind of part of the game. >> reporter: more than a game. it's a serious work. >> ten, nine, eight. >> reporter: she's an aerial acrobat who runs her own small troup performing throughout new york. "spider-man" accidents are the talk of the aerial community. >> one person getting hurt, it's not necessarily the show's fault. but four team. >> if i was in that show, it's hard. that's a big machine to be a little tiny cog in. i don't envy those performers. >> reporter: barely dangle off the floor, they gave me a small taste of their techniques. >> even just sitting is a little difficult. >> reporter: it is to keep your upper body straight without falling. these aerialists are self-regulated. they watch out four fortheir own safety. each time you perform, how do you dweel the risk? >> i never perform anything i haven't done in practice at least 100 times. i'm always sure my rigging is sxu secure. >> reporter: there are no shortcuts. a close friend fell to his death two years ago working for another company. since for her safety is paramount. >> i felt like this was a really good way to, you know, keep his memory alive and, you know, inspire -- >> reporter: inspire others? >> yeah. >> reporter: to make her art safe as at least as safe as it can be. susan candiotti, cnn, new york. >> brave performers indeed. the new year means a lot of folks are looking for new jobs, but will the economy cooperate? that in a moment. 9/11 first responders have a reason to celebrate today. the 9/11 health bill has been signed into law. a copy of the document was actually flown to the president in hawaii. the bill provides health coverage for first responders suffering health problems from working near ground zero. the navy is investigating raunchy videos produced and shown to the crew of the "us s ber prize." they're filled with sexual innuendo and anti-gay rerchlss. it feature the captain at the time. he's shown cursing along with other staff members in an tenant to, quote, be funny. navy officials call the videos unacceptable. a powerful earthquake rocked central chile this afternoon. thousands experienced strong shaking including our fellow co-workers at the cnn bureau in santiago. we have reports of people run sb ing into the streets. no significant damage or casualties. we'll keep you posted on that, but now that the holidays are over, little time to refocus, right? if your resolution is to find a new job in the new year like a lot of are looking for, get ready for a lot of company to continue in 2011. labor department statistics show 15 million americans are out of work and could join you on that job hunt. paula joins us from new york to talk about job prospects in the new year. how does it look for folks needing to find a job in 2011? >> 2011 unfortunately susan is not going to be a great year. unemployment will still be pretty high. my guess is the best we're going to do is hover around in the mid-9 point something percent. i think 2012 is going to be tough also. competition will be fierce. so this year, next year it's going to be really important if you're unemployed, focus on the recipe, focus on the two most critical things if you're unemploy unemployed. the skill set you have and also your professional network. both of those will be critical. >> they really are key. a bit of good news here. you say few mass layoffs in the new year. >> right. i think that will be out of headlines, those mass layoffs. if you're currently have a job, while you might be doing the job of multiple people now, there's good news here. the good news is you probably have pretty good job security. so i would still like everyone to keep your ear to the ground. if your hear your company is going through a merger or acquisition, if you hear that your company is going through some financial problems, maybe going through a reorganization, then you might up for a layoff. for the most part if you work, you have job security and that's good news in 2011. >> you say that more people will work for themselves. does that mean starting up new businesses? >> more people will be working for themselves as independent contractors. this is going to be a great year for independent contractors. it really will. this will be a phenomenal year if you have high skills, and the reason is that companies still need to get work done. they still have jobs out there, but they're not really willing to add the head count. if you're great at what you do, chances are you'll see a good year. the other thing -- i think we'll talk a lot about this in 2011. if you have a marketable skill, if you have a skill you're putting out there, there's a high probability that it's being publicly rated. so if you're really good, you're probably doing well on the, you know, if it's out there and it's a skill and if if you're being rated well, there's a good chance that you're going to have a good year. >> is that connected to this self-development? if you're good at something, try to get better? >> if you're good at something, try to get better. 2011 is the year for the skill set. so a good time to go back for an advanced degree or a trade school, anything you can do to upscale. if you're currently working, if you're currently employed and your employer offers tuition reimbursement, this is a great year to take advantage of that tuition reimbursement. if you're unemployed or if you're thinking about using your own money to reinvest in yourself through trade school or professional school or university degree, consider the two things that you're buying. consider that, of course, it's that high-quality education and opportunity to learn and gain some ability, but also remember that part of what you're purchasing with your tuition dollars is the opportunity for placement. so be sure if you're paying for that tuition, be sure you ask the program bh how well they place their graduates and how well they place their students. that's very important in 2011. >> last couple seconds, paula, a word of advice for people down in the new year and don't have a job. what do you tell them? >> keep trying. it's partially an endurance test. keep going. please remember there's also some strategy in looking for a job. keep working on building marketable skills and keep putting yourself out there and build the network. >> great advice. thank you. >> thanks, susan. an inspiring story here. two twins born minutes apartd in different years. josh levs checked out the laltest viral video on the web. how's is looking, josh? >> we have fun stuff today. we have a parallel parking job that end pd up with a police car and smoke. also how to create a luge ride in your own backyard and this. ♪ we arrived in '09 on a rainbow of hope ♪ >> that's joe biden in the back. we have 2010 jib jab style all coming up on viral video rewind. ring ring. progresso. oh yes hi. can you please put my grandma on the phone please? thanks. excuse me a sec. another person calling for her grandmother. she thinks it's her soup huh? i'm told she's in the garden picking herbs. she is so cute. okay i'll hold. she's holding. wha? (announcer) progresso. you gotta taste this soup. gaue grmatains heyesy.rc g twins born a couple of minutes apart but in different years. it happened. christy was in raleigh, north carolina hospital on new year's eve. she gave birth to a baby boy ashton in 2010. then his sister, alicia, twin city followed two minutes later right at midnight at 2011 began. love that story. being in the driver's seat isn't always a fun position to be in, is it? just ask the woman featured in this weekend's viral videos. >> this is fun. i don't always get excited about videos about people parking. this one is particularly good. look at this here. it's someone attempting to -- maybe it's pulled over, but there's a police car behind her. she's trying to parallel park. as soon as she crashes into the cop car, they try to get away. she crashes into the cop car again. this makes my slaphappy. when they drive away, there's smoke coming out. everyone is fine. steam is coming out of the two cars. all the other cars that come along see it and drive away. >> the best part is the other drivers saying i'm out of here. i have an unpaid parking ticket. >> look at this next one. before they got creative in their own backyard and create the luge run. >> are you doing the move? >> sorry. i was trying to see what it said on the screen. i couldn't see. he creates this, basically dug it out. this family has their own great time. it took them day, obviously. >> this is a little elaborate. where's dad? he's out back with the luge. >> it keeps going and going. it's very impressive, though. >> it is impressive. >> obviously, he dug it deeply enough he wouldn't spill over until there. really cool. that's a heck of a yard they have going there. >> how long did that take you wonder. >> i'll find out. >> half hour. >> probably. check it out. last week i showed one of my favorites of 2010. this walk usa. if we take a look here, it shows this guy basically walking across the country, and stops at all sorts of great sights that are americana. it's an interesting way to celebrate america. >> reminiscent of forrest gump, right? >> yeah, it is a lot like that. you're right, because forrest gump made it with the running across the country. that's right. they put it to the song "home." a lot of people are wondering how they did this. you can see every step. he seems to be walking at a different speed. skip to the next video. they show how they did it. >> i took thousands of individual still frames from the video and we used those as reference along the way to pose the models. so, they were from the model's real walk. >> what they do is they actually had this model guy take all these steps and they studied his walk. and then they used this time lapse photography and they actually layered it onto all of this video they got across the country. it's complicated, but it's really impressive work. it shows -- what i like about it, it shows how much work goes into viral videos. >> it's the same guy that build the luge in his backyard, right? a talented guy. >> yeah, something like that. you know, it shows, some people go all out for these things. that's one thing i love about viral videos. they're art. it's modern art in a whole new way. >> it really is. are we going back to the kitty? >> we are. i have a reality check. i showed you this yesterday. take a look at the kitty. people are saying, look at the kit y wants to be a bunny. watch what the cat does. >> here, kitty. >> there he goes. puts on the bunny mask, pulls it over his head. everyone is loving this online. look, the kitty is a bunny. i got a bunch of tweets after this. apparently the owner reversed the video. the car was actually starting with it on, was taking it off, and then this very clever owner reversed the video so it looks like the cat was putting it on. >> i was guessing there was catnip there it, but no. >> no, they had a better way of getting away with it. >> let's stick to the kitty wants to be a bunny. >> it was better when it was backwards. i have to give you my reality checks every time we get them. big finish, this is cool. jibjab takes on the whole year of 2010 with president obama and vice president biden. take a look. ♪ we arrived in '09 on a roin bow of hope ♪ ♪ a 2010 move with all ♪ party rallies the banks going broke ♪ ♪ so long 2010 >> they go through all these things that happened in 2010 that weren't great for the presidency and the tough times they went through. people giving him a hard time. skip ahead to the next section. let's see the next section. "we can't wait for you to get like that guy from jetblue ♪ ♪ feel good in the midterm we were so said when rahm said good-bye ♪ >> they do a brilliant job every time of putting together all the highlights of the last year. nice sound, too. so long 2010. may 2011 be filled with all good things. i always post all my video four at my pages at facebook and twitter. you can always reach me there. i'll be bofacebooking you back, tweeting you back. go there and see all the hot videos. >> josh, it's fun. back to the kitty and bunny hat. >> we'll watch that after the show. >> we've said things we would like to take back, right? like that. but when people in the public eye misspeak it comes at a cost and makes news. here are top gaffes of 2010. >> reporter: he said -- >> i want my life back. >> reporter: and she said -- >> obviously, got to stand with our north korean allies. >> reporter: left foot. >> [ bleep ]. >> reporter: and right. >> some of you look a little more asian to me. >> reporter: planted firmly in mouth. don't forget, to talk to the hand. it was the year of the gaffe. a year of election madness. or some sound bites bit back. >> but we have to pass the bill, so that you can find out what is it in. >> reporter: there were newcomers. >> i'm not a witch. i'm nothing you've heard. i'm you. >> reporter: and some old favorites who never seem to disappoint. >> god rest your soul and -- although she's -- wait, your mom's still -- your mom's still alive. your dad passed. god bless her soul. >> reporter: a year in which one candidate lost the confidence of an entire nation. >> yeah, but scott brown has curt schilling. >> and another yankee fan. >> curt schilling a yankee fan? >> no, i'm wrong -- i'm wrong. >> reporter: and where one decision left a city without its favorite son. >> and i'll take my talents to south beach. >> reporter: other athletes spent 2010 swinging and missing and apologizing. >> i am deeply sorry for my irresponsible and selfish behavior i engaged in. >> reporter: some other people owned 2010, or at least 15 minutes of it. >> rent is too damn high. >> you touch my junk, ilt have you arrested. >> reporter: thanks for the laughs. >> we cannot sustain -- oops. >> reporter: and for the gaffes. >> there's an old irish proceed verb some of you know that i heard my grandfather use but never really applied to me before. he said, it goes, a silent mouth is sweet to hear. well, i'm going to yield to that proverb. >> reporter: we'll miss you too, joe. cnn, new york. i like that. a silent mouth is sweet to hear. hope you had a gray new year. hope you have a great new year, 2011. susan hendricks. coming up, a restaurant critic outage. should restaurant reviewer be anonymous or identified? you decide. a croissant with butter to a whole wheat roll with olive oil, you'll go from roughly 16 grams of fat to about 6. take alli with that, and you're down to 4.5. alli helps you reach a healthier weight, when you get active, eat right, and take alli. alli will block about 25% of the fat you eat. and for every two pounds you work to lose, alli can help you lose one more. fda-approved alli -- how healthy works. learn more at try mini crescent dogs. just unroll the dough, roll up, bake, and present. very impressive! and very easy. for this recipe and more, visit