thrifty couples are happiest and too much debt with ruin a marriage. consumer debt is an equal opportunity marriage destroyer. it doesn't matter where you live or how much you make, too much debt strains a marriage. jeffrey is an assistant professor of family consumer and human development. he researches monies and couples. i'm quoting you here. your research has shown that consume debt is really, really dangerous to your love life. >> consumer debt is definitely a problem for married couples and all co-habiting couples. >> according to the marriage project at the university of virginia, couples that disagree about money once a week 30% more likely to divorce. do you fight more than once a week? your chances of going down the wrong path are right up there? what makes thrifty couples happier than everybody else? >> well, i think you really said it at the beginning there. thrifty couples are simply not accumulating consumer debt. we're talking about credit card debt or maybe the installment loan on your furniture from the furniture store. but the studies that i've conducted show that couples -- the more consumer debt couples have the less happy they are in their relationship, and the more they fight over money. >> it doesn't matter how much money they make, right? you can be living right on the poverty line, but if you don't rack up debt you're in a happier situation than couples with more money in the middle class but live beyond their means? >> that's right. those couples who live within their means tend to be happier and fight less than those who are not. it really doesn't matter how big or small your means are. i think our expenses really rise with our income, and so we just have to manage those and make sure that weren't spending more than we're making. >> you probably sit down with a couple and trying to give them a diagnosis. why are you spending so much, and you got to let go of the pocketbook a little bit, geez? >> i've seen a lot of individuals in front of me go at it tooth and nail over money. it's the surprises. i didn't know you had that additional bank accounts. i didn't know you felt this way. >> i didn't know you had a secret apartment across town with someone else living in it. i didn't realize we were both paying out of juror joint act for the private investigator. >> i would say, listen, give yourselves two hours a month, one hour every two weeks. get up before the kids and just talk about your individual goals and your couple goals. how are you doing with your individual goals. can i support you. how are we doing with our couple goals as a household? can we support each other? go through an estate planning. getting the estate plan is a good counseling tip for couples. >> you have to decide priorities and figure out what is coming in the door. even a budget is a good way to figure it out. >> it's hard when you tack it to your mortality. estate planning or preparing for end of life care, people run from that more than anything else. you have to make it fun. that's my advice. >> hal sparks, who can make money and the lack of it very funny. also ryan mack and jeff dew marriage researchers who gives us lots of food for thought for paying down your debt and you will live happily every after. hal's standup is available on he wrote the very funny forward to my new book "smart is the new rich" and the book that is the basis for this show. join me on facebook and twitter for a running conversation about the book and all the money matters we talk about every saturday 1:00 p.m. eastern and sundays at 3:00. join me on saturday mornings 9:30 eastern for your bottom line. have a great weekend, everybody. tonight is the story that already has washington scrambling for damage control. thousands of pages of secret u.s. documents released to the world across the now-infamous wikileaks web site. i'll ask a "new york times" correspondent how the documents will impact u.s. relations with its allies and enemies. and trying to avoid a possible war. china calling for emergency talks -- calling for emergency talks on the crisis in korea. north korean missiles taking aim as south korean and u.s. military forces take part in war games exercises. the rush is on to get back home from the holidays. big delays at several airports, and weather making a trough drive in part of the u.s. so what's in store for your morning commute? the cnn travel desk is monitoring the ground and the sky. hello, i'm joe john, don lemon is off. they were once confidential u.s. documents, but now they're aa available to anyone, anywhere in the world. thousands of them posted on the internet thanks to the whistleblower web site, wikileaks. the documents were first released to five major world newspapers. they include everything from iran's nuclear program to the middle east and the instability in pakistan. u.s. government officials are be side themselves. they say the release could compromise relations with allies and even put lives in danger. cnn is not among the news outlets given advance access to the material. cnn declined to sign a confidentiality agreement with wikileaks. "the new york times" did get access to the documents. david sanger is the newspaper's chief washington correspondent, and david, thanks for coming in tonight. i want to talk you to about full screens -- >> thank you. >> we have full screens from an article that you collaborated on. it says among other things, iran has obtained a cache of advanced missiles based on a russian design obtained 19 of the missiles from north korea. the missiles could for the first time give iran the capacity to strike at capitals in western europe or easily reach moscow. so let's talk just a little bit about these missiles that iran apparently has gotten, that we've learned through this wikileak material and how significant it is and what kind of information we have now that we did not have before. >> well, joe, the missile in question is something that's called the b-25. and it is a north korean derivation of a russian missile. the significance of this is that we knew before that the iranians have likely obtained it, but we did not know if there was an american assessment that indicated that in fact they did have the missile. and what was contained in one of the diplomatic cables that we obtained was that in fact the u.s. assessment is that there is an iranian capability here. the iranians have not test flown this yet. so we don't know whether they really know how to operate it. >> as far as we know at least right now, they're trying to figure out how to make their own and perhaps make it better? >> well, if they have 19 of the north korean model, they probably wouldn't need to make their own. the bigger question is could they fit the war head of this missile with a nuclear device if they ever got to the point of actually making a nuclear weapon. we don't believe that they have done that yet. and they're probably still a number of years away. even then it's hard to make them small. >> perhaps the most important question that a lot of people would ask is if you have missiles like these that you describe in the article, information that came to you through wikileaks, how far could these missiles go, we're talking 1,500 miles, 2,000 miles, and that would mean going from iran to where? >> it would mean going to iran to about the middle of western europe. maybe a little shy of that. >> so moscow -- >> on the other side going as far as moscow. >> right. which is interesting because these are russian-designed missiles, right? >> that's right. though the russians did not sell them to iran. the north koreans got hold of the design and then appeared to develop the missiles themselves. a few months ago, the north korean's held a parade at which they showed this missile for the first time. that was the first evidence that we had that the north koreans it fielded or produced the weapon. >> a couple other questions about the process here of your newspaper deciding to go with is of the stuff. first question i think would be it's clear this you talked to the administration about when to release on the cable that gave out all this information. and sort of worked with the obama administration to decide what not to release. and the second question is, are you going to put a lot more stuff from this latest wikileak release out there for your viewers, your readers to read? >> well, as you said at the beginning, there were about 250,000 cables in the wikileaks archive. and the times did be -- the "times" did not obtain it from wikileaks. however, they did get it through a third party. there will be about 100 cables that will be published on the "times" web site with small excerpts in the newspaper edition itself. the decisions about what to publish and what to redact were the "times'" decisions but the "times" did go to the obama administration in an effort to make sure that we had redacted the most damaging material for, say, dissidents or sources or informants, and the administration did ask for a number of other additional redactions. the "times" agreed to many of those but declined on a few. >> got it. thank you very much, david sanger with "new york times." appreciate your reporting. u.s. government reaction to the wikileaks document release has been quick, and it has been harsh. cnn foreign affairs correspondent jill daugherty is in washington with more. >> reporter: joe, the u.s. government has been in damage control all weekend long. secretary of state hillary clinton personally phoning the leader of eight different countries, germany, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, britain, france, afghanistan, china, and canada, assessing the potential impact on relations. the government has been round low condemning the location, but it has not gotten interest specifics on any of the released cables, at least not yet. there are 250,000 of them and not all are out at this point. they're on a wide variety of subjects. some of the most interesting ones deal with the reaction of arab countries, a critical reaction toward iran and its nuclear program. also, "the new york times" reporting that state department personnel in some cases were asked to provide information from foreign diplomats about things like frequent flyer numbers and credit card numbers. pg crowley, the spokesperson for the state department saying in a tweet, "our diplomats are that, they are diplomats. they collect information. they are not, as you put it, intelligence assets." now when could be the potential damage? well, one u.s. official telling me it could be hugely damaging to the united states. but some of that will depend on what other governments, governments around the world will be saying. and i have been speaking with some embassies here in washington. they are saying this they are still studying the documents, and we can certainly expect a lot more monday when this information is known by other governments. they have a chance to look at the documents, and there is more to come on this. joe? >> thank you, jill dougherty in washington. tensions between north and south korea are nothing new, but recent developments have some saying the area may be on the brink of war. the latest from the korean peninsula next. also ahead, you've seen stories of chaos at stores on black friday, but did you know that shopping on line can be dangerous in a different way? we'll talk to an expert about how to protect yourself. the war of words is heating up on the korean peninsula. in a nationally televised address, south korea's president warned his country will respond firmly to any more provocations from the north. tensions have surged since tuesday when north korea shelled a south korean island. the u.s. is taking part in military exercises with south korea in the region's yellow sea. that prompted harsh word from pyongyang. it accuses washington and seoul of trying to find a pretext to ignite war at any coast. i spoke with gordon chang, columnist and author of "nuclear showdown: north korea takes on the world." i asked what factors are playing into the tensions on the peninsula and motivating pyongyang. >> there are a help of things going on here -- a number of things going on here. the succession issue is obviously one. kim jong-il, the current leader, wants to pass power to his 28-year-old son. he's not prepared. he's not ready. so kim is trying to give his son some accomplishments. and therefore, we've seen the sinking of the south korean ship. we saw the shelling of the island. but there's a couple other things going on. and that is that north korea's regime, they call it military first, needs to have sort of military success for its legitimacy. i think that's a large part of this, as well. we have a number of factors coming together. >> there's also this question of china. is china asleep at the switch? we do know that the united states and other countries have said china has to get more involved, and it appears at least to the casual observer that china is only sort of working around the edges of this thing, at least so far. >> well, china and north korea have been each other's only military ally. they've been friends through thick and thin for six decades. i think china really has a pretty good idea when the north koreans are doing and what they're going to do because there's a lot of conversations between pyongyang and beijing. beijing really derives a lot of short-term gain from problems on the korean peninsula. and one of them is that every time north korea does something awful, washington runs to beijing and asks for help. and the chinese get concessions from us because of that. so i'm not so sure that beijing is at the -- asleep at the switch. i think that it really is sort of working fairly closely with the north koreans. >> what kind of a resolution do you see here, a peaceful resolution? how do the parties get together to sort of avoid what looks like a real troubling situation right now? >> i think that this current period of tension will dissipate. the real issue is when are we going to see another provotion from north korea. usually kim jong-il spaces his provocations out every two or three years. what's stunning this year is that we saw the sinking of the south korean ship in march and the shelling of the island in november. i think that there -- you talked about the succession. i think that that really is beligerant acts. coming up, accusations of fraud have candidates irate on election day in haiti. and jacqui jeras is on the travel desk for us keeping an eye out as folks return home from the holidays. a holiday trip to the big apple twice as fast! dinner! [ garth ] we get double miles every time we use our card. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the whole gang! it's hard to beat double miles! i want a maze, a sword, a... oww! [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to i wonder what it could be?! what's in your wallet? this is norma. who's inundated with all the information coming at her concerning the medicare part d changes this year. so she went to her walgreens pharmacist for guidance and a free personalized report that looks at her prescriptions and highlights easy ways for her to save. because norma prefers her painting to paperwork. see how much you can save. get your free report today. expertise -- find it everywhere there's a walgreens. millions of people are headed home tonight. hopefully most are already home after the long thanksgiving weekend with family and friends to find out where weather is affecting travel. let us bring in jackie airs on. so, you've eaten all the turkey, you spent all your money. now the only thing that stand between you and work is 30,000 feet and a few state borders and time zones. >> perhaps. or waiting to stay up until midnight for cyber-monday. you got that going on, as well. overall, the holiday travel this season has been really good in terms of the weather impact. we have had some trouble areas, and most of that has been out west where we've been seeing heavy snow on the interstates. i-80, i-70, as well. then blustery conditions across the nation's midsection. there you see some of the snow that's been coming down, several inches on the ground in salt lake. and denver while you've been getting it today, watch for that to pick up tomorrow. here's the forecast for those of you going back to work or extending the vacation a little. it's the nation's midsection, we're expecting most of the issues. showers and thundershowers here, rain turning to snow across the upper midwest, very windy conditions to boot. there is a risk that some of these thunderstorms could become severe on the gulf coast. we'll be watching places like maybe just east of houston, over toward new orleans. and into pensacola. that will be in the latter part of the day. the northeastern airports are looking good, and you'll clear out across the west. minneapolis, chicago, st. louis, and memphis, new orleans and dallas expecting to see delays. atlanta, this is going to be p.m. delays with the clouds moving in as well as rain. then denver and salt lake city due to the snow and wind. we think those delays will be pretty minor. we'll end it out on a fun note here tonight. take a look. you recognize this i go? yeah, that's our own larry king there in hollywood. he and his wife, he was a grand marshal of the hollywood holiday parade. beautiful conditions. not too bad. been like in the 50s. >> yeah. he's jolly, but he's not fat enough to be santa. >> not so much. he needs a bored, as well. >> that's okay. >> great convertible, though. >> real nice hat. >> yeah. >> great. >> a lot of people doing those type of things over the holiday weekend. love the parade. got to see santa. >> i know. maybe next time for me. i still got time. still got time. thanks. deals in electronics, new cars, and beatlemania makes a comeback. we have this week's" getting down to business." >> reporter: black friday may be over, but some big bargains are still out there. if you're looking for electronics, the best deals may be be on line. and shoppers have taken notice. last year, americans spent almost $900 million at online retail stores on the monday after thanksgiving. we'll see if the trend continues tomorrow on cyber-monday. if you're getting out of the house, how about a brand new car for christmas. while the thanksgiving weekend was a good time to shop for a new vehicle, a true car report finds the best deals will be available this tuesday, november 30. and the latest auto and truck sales numbers come out on wednesday. and beatles -- beatlemania is back. the band released their first songs digitally on itunes. the top-selling song was "here comes the sun." that's this week's "getting down to business." cnn, new york. way he did 20 years ago. well that's great. you haven't seen him... my other can is ringing. progresso. hey can you tell my wife to relax and enjoy the view? (announcer) progresso. you gotta taste this soup. across the country when the economy tumbled, jpmorgan chase set up new offices to work one-on-one with homeowners. since 2009, we've helped over 200,000 americans keep their homes. and we're reaching out to small businesses too, increasing our lending commitment this year to $10 billion and giving businesses the opportunity to ask for a second review if they feel their loan should have been approved. this is how recoveries happen. everyone doing their part. this is the way forward. checking some of our top stories, the u.s. government is condemning the release of thousands of sensitive and once-confidential diplomatic cables. "the new york times" and a handful of european newspapers got advanced copies of the documents there the web site they say it will harm relations between the u.s. and allies and will put lives at risk. allegations of fraud and ballot box stuffing are overshadowing presidential elections in earthquake-ravaged haiti. the front-runner and 11 other candidate are demanding that the vote be annulled. announcing what they call fraud all over the country. they're urging haiti's people to mobilize to show their opposition to the election. police in syracuse, new york, have charged a former boyfriend in the death of a pennsylvania college student. 21-year-old stephen piper was taken into custody left night and charged with murder. earlier police believed they found the remains of jenny lynn watson in a park near her home in syracuse. she had been missing since october 19. the results of an autopsy not yet released. a prayer vigil was held for three missing brothers in michigan. the boys are age 5, 7, and 9. their father, john skell ton, claims he dropped the bill off with a woman he knew on the internet friday before attempting to hang himself. he survived the attempt and now is in a mental health facility. police say they're not sure the woman even exists and have launched a search for the boys. strike! three! >> actor leslie nielsen has died. best known perhaps for his roles in "airplane" and "the naked gun" series. he died of complication was pneumonia at a hospital near his home in ft. lauderdale, in. less low nielsen was 84 -- leslie nielsen was 84 years old. online shoppers, beware. next, how to make sure the web sites you're buying from are safe and secure. and we all know that apple computers has a huge following, so you can imagine how much a piece of apple history would fetch. we've got the dollar amount, too. ♪ crackers turned into tasty, crunchy sticks! ♪ pringles cracker stix. ♪ so delicious... your mouth will be strangely attracted to them. ♪ everything pops with pringles cracker stix. if you're still huntsing for the supreme bargain, we've got a warning for you -- don't fall prey to scams tomorrow. you may find the cyber-monday some deals are too good to be true. one way to protect yourself, make sure the web site you're about to buy from is legit by putting it through another web site called gregory evans explains how it works. >> reporter: will let you know when the web site was actually created, who owns the web site, and where the web site is actually -- is being hosted. >> all right. so now we have an example here. and if i can just click this. this is eluxury handbags, and i think the staff basically put in or searched louis vuitton and this comes up. >> we know if it's too good to be true, probably is. louis vuitton, be 60% -- 60% to 0% off, too -- 60% to 90% off, too good a deal. you want to know, hey, is this a good deal? is this web site real? before i give my credit card information, let me find out. is this an online scam. how to find that out is you can go to the contact page -- >> here we go. let's go to what does this tell us? >> i think woe went to fast. what we wanted to do is if you went back, on every web site you have a contact page. and it gives you the address wherever they're located. >> okay. there we go. our guys are bringing it up. >> here the web site says it's in sunnyvale, california. >> sounds good, us of a. >> correct. if we scroll up, we'll go to, and we'll scroll up and you put in the name and hit enter. once you hit enter, scroll down. it will show you when this web site was actually created. this web site was just created in september. >> or is it july? last update. so the -- >> there you go. excuse me, yeah. >> september 23 of -- what does that mean? why do i care? >> because it's a brand new web site. do you believe you'll give a web site who will give you a louis vuitton bag that costs $5,000 for $200? >> that's a red flag. another perhaps? >> when you to the, if you look at the contact information it will show you that this company is actually located in china. >> not sunnyvale? >> not sunnyvale. as a matter of fact, what you want to do is even if they weren't located in china, always take the address of the company and do a google map on it. if we can go to google map. >> okay, where precisely is this place in sunnyvale -- >> this is the address, the dress they list is in the middle of the street, somewhere in sunnyvale, california. that's it. there's no building, no address. >> right. that's it right there. >> that's it right there. >> and there's trees and what have you, you had? >> yes. >> that's a problem. >> a lot of web sites now -- especially starting tomorrow, cyber-monday, they get ready for the scam. >> we did contact the web site, a spokeswoman admitted that the products on the web site are fake, they tell us, and the web site has no authorization to sell the line's goods. the woman said although the bags of replicas, they are of high quality and conforming to the standard as the authentic bags. still ahead, cnn goes to oregon to speak with some of the people who knew alleged carbomb er muhammad on, osman muhammad. let the's take a look now at d we get double miles on every purchase. so we earned a holiday trip to the big apple twice as fast! dinner! [ garth ] we get double miles every time we use our card. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the whole gang! it's hard to beat double miles! i want a maze, a sword, a... oww! [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to i wonder what it could be?! what's in your wallet? can stop frequent heartburn before it begins? heartburn happens when stomach acid refluxes into the esophagus. prilosec otc uses a unique delayed-release system that protects the medicine as it passes through the stomach's tough acid. then it gets absorbed into the body, turning off many acid-producing pumps at the source. with just one pill a day, you get 24-hour heartburn protection all day and all night. prilosec otc. heartburn gone. power on. prilosec otc. what are you looking at? logistics. ben? the ups guy? no, you see ben, i see logistics. logistics? think--ben is new markets. ben is global access-- china and beyond. ben is a smarter supply chain. ben is higher margins. happier customers... everybody wins. logistics. exactly. see you guys tomorrow. let the's take a look now at what will be in the news in the week ahead. from the white house to wall street, these are the stories expected to grab the headlines. we begin tonight with what's on the horizon for president obama. >> reporter: i'm ed henry at the white house where the holiday celebrations have begun. you see the christmas trees going up outside the west wing. the president the on thursday is going to host a hanukkah celebration here. there's also still going to be some serious business, especially tuesday when there's the long-awaited slurpee summit with democratic and republican congressional leaders. at the top of the agenda, the fate of the bush tax cuts. are your taxes about to go up? we may find out this week. and chris lawrence, there's a big week coming up at the pentagon. more than 7,000 american troops have started training with their south korean allies off the coast of korea. all eyes especially at the pentagon keeping a close eye on how north korea responds. also on tuesday, the pentagon finally releases its year-long study on don't ask, don't tell. both secretary gates and chairman of the joint chiefs mike mullen expect to commute out publicly and talk about the results. will it show there are major problems with repealing the policy or will it show this most troops don't care? that's coming up this weeng. >> reporter: i'm poppy harlow in new york. after the shopping madness of black friday, people get back to work on monday. wall street has a lot to focus on, the economy, of course, front and center as we head into the end of the year. we'll get a reading on november consumer confidence. that's critical as well as the november auto sales reading. those are both due out this week. also ahead, we'll look at the home prices this the 20 biggest cities around the country. on top of that, the latest numbers on pending home sales, we'll track it for you on cnn "money." now that's on the domestic front. cnn international desk has more and you'll give us the global picture. we know you're going to be covering north korea. we know you're going to be covering wikileaks. what else? >> well, one of the biggest stories that's out there now and i'm sure you've heard about this, but brazilian police and soldiers raided a slum in rio called alameo. they took over the largest gang that was there, the drug gang that was there. and it's one of the largest busts that they've had in the past two years. it's an effort for them to clean up the city leading up to the world cup final matches in 2014. and obviously the olympics in 2016. imagine if like in one of our cities troops rolled in to clean it up. that's what happened. >> the brazil version of taking our streets back. >> exactly. >> and we also have something going on in cancun. this has to do with the environment? >> exact low. so it's the united states climate conference taking place for two weeks. 194 heads of state are heading there as we speak right now to partake in the -- the 16th conference of the parties that's taking place. so a lot of stuff's going to come out of this that we'll be monitoring closely. >> it's interesting to have a conference like that in can cune. this is a -- cancun. this is a police where it's always hot. it's the way it is. thank you very much. >> thank you. coming up, arson at an islamic center in oregon. the same mosque attended by a young college student by somalia now charged with attempting to kill hundreds of people friday. . and we've got cars like that. even trucks. but we can do more. starting today, when you buy a chevrolet, we'll invest in renewable-energy, energy-efficiency, and tree-planting programs across america -- reducing carbon emissions by up to eight million metric tons over the next few years. and just one more way we can proudly say: "chevy runs deep." ♪ we get double miles on every purchase. echo! so we earned a trip to the grand canyon twice as fast. uhoh. we get double miles every time we use our card. i'll take these. no matter what we're buying. plus the damages. and since double miles add up quick, we can bring the whole gang. it's hard to beat double miles. no, we ride them. [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to what's in your wallet? oh, that's the spot! what's in your wallet? ♪ sing polly wolly doodle all the day ♪ ♪ hah new developments in a failed car bomb attack in oregon. the fbi has put up a $10,000 reward for information about an arson attack early this morning at a mosque in corvallis. an office inside was heavily damaged. corvallis is the home of oregon state university, where terror suspect mohamed osman mohamud was a student. the 19-year-old somali american was charged with trying to set off a weapon of mass destruction friday at a crowded trow-lighting ceremony in downtown -- tree-lighting ceremony in downtown portland. so far there's no connection between the fire and the arrest. he's due in court tomorrow. the final results are not even in yet, but contender for haiti's presidency are demanding that the elections be annulled. they say there was massive fraud and billion on the box stuffing. as cnn's ivan watson reports, there are growing fears of unrest even as haiti struggles to recover from a killer earthquake and cholera outbreak. >> reporter: on the morning of the election, united nations troops patrolled port-au-prince's eerily empty street. but son after polls opened, voters started to complain of problems. many could not vote because their names did not appear on polling center lists. >> why? because they want to do what they're going to do because you see they want to fix the election if haiti. >> reporter: do you think it's an accident? >> it's not an accident. >> reporter: at other polling stations, police arrested voters who allegedly cast ballots more than once. hours before the polls closed, 12 of the 18 candidates running for president staged a raucous news conference. they made a joint declaration, accusing the government of outgoing president per val of rigging the election in favor of his anointed candidate, jude selesta. citing massive fraud. the candidates called for the election to be athuled. then they made a public appeal to their supporters to protest peacefully against this "anti-democratic act." among the protesting candidates, the flamboyant singer-turned-politician better known by his stage name, sweet mickey. are you expecting violence today? you called for people to come out in the streets. >> we called them to come out and defend their vote. they need to be able to vote. this is one right that everyone has. i -- i understand that the government has been accustomed to stealing the country's money. the custom of stealing our dreams, but they cannot still our vote. >> reporter: it didn't take long for crowd to start gathering. another unexpected twist to this election, an hour before the polls even closed, one of the candidates, michelle martali, who denounced the election, has been endorsed it appears by singer wyclef jean. [ applause ] >> reporter: the two singers led the way as a crowd of thousands took to the streets, denouncing the election and calling for the arrest of haiti's outgoing president. a possibly crippling blow to the credibility of the election, taking place under the watchful eyes of haitian police and u.n. peacekeeping troops. haiti's top election officials are calling sunday's vote a success. they say that there were problems reported at less than 4% of the 1,500 polling centers across haiti. they added that one person was killed on sunday as a result of election-related violence. joe? >> ivan watson reporting from haiti. it locked cute and harmful enough. coming up, a close encounter. and a dangerous encounter with an otter. both cost the same, but only the pringles superstack can makes everything pop! ♪ ♪ whoa-oh-oh-oh ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ hey, hey [ male announcer ] the choice is yours... 100 of these or 100 pringles. same cost but a lot more fun. everything pops with the pringles superstack can! ♪ every weekend we like to bring you interesting news items you may have missed during the week. everything has to start somewhere, and this humble circuit board was the seed that would eventually grow into apple computer. back in 1976 it was just a couple dollars worth of plastic and wires, but the apple one marked the beginning of the personal computer. only about 200 were made. hand-built by steve jobs and steve wos nikkei in their garage -- wosniak in their garage. on tuesday this sold for $213,000. [ bleep ]. this is what it's like to flow a crazed otter. will gibbons was watching the animal swim behind his home in boca raton when it charged at him, nipping his ankle. this is the third time an otter has attacked someone in the neighborhood. there you go. from the cnn center in atlanta, have a great week. good monday morning. and thanks so much for joining us on this "american morning," it's the 29th of november. i'm john roberts. >> i'm kiran chetry. cyber monday as it's known. >> did you have a good thanksgiving? >> yes. how about you? >> it was wonderful. >> you know it's successful if you're rolling around on the floor you're so full afterwards. that was me. >> if you have to undue the

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