>> reporter: let's set the scene. this was a group, as we understand it, from the organization they were working for. it is called the international assistance mission. that's the humanitarian organization. it provides health care, other services in the primarily in the health care field to afghans. there was a group that was traveling in a very remote part of afghanistan as they were, we believe, going down the road. they were stopped by the taliban, forced to get out of the car. their goods and possessions are taken from them and then they are shot. now, as you mentioned, there are six americans who died. one german, one british, and two afghans. this is according to the head of that organization, derk france. there were two afghans that escaped or were allowed to escape or go free. the bodies still have to be transported. the u.s. embassy is not saying really anything yet on who the people were, any names, et cetera, as you believing imagca. it is still pretty early. what were they doing? they were there providing medical services to the afghan people. the taliban has taken claimed responsibility for this. they spoke directly with cnn and also on their website. they said that these people were spies, that, of course, is not what the organization is saying. the talibans say that the people tried to escape, that they wanted to take them alive but they killed them. so that's the situation right now. it does raise, of course, issues for the security of international aid organizations and other ngos like the international assistance mission. >> jill, you bring up that security issue. so many people, ngos in afghanistan doing work right now, voluntarily doing their work. safety is always an issue. was this particular group traveling with security? >> reporter: we don't know that, t.j. we believe that at least one of the afghans was a translator. there might have been some drivers. it doesn't, at this point, appear that they have security but i wouldn't want to say that definitively, until we get a little bit more information. but that area was not particularly, at least as far as we know, particularly known as the taliban area. it is, however, in the northeast. that does get you over into some areas again very remote and going toward the border but not completely on the border at all with pakistan. jill dougherty. in hours, the u.s. supreme court will officially get a new justy. chief justice john roberts will be is swearing in elena kagan, in a 67-33 vote. she will become the third female justice to sit on the current court. the fourth female justice in the history of the court will air the ceremony live right here on cnn. it is set to start just after 2:00 eastern time. california's governor and attorney general calling for the courts to allow same-sex couples to marry while proposition 8, the appeal, goes through. the ban on same-sex marriage was ruled unconstitutional. outside the international space station, astronauts trying to fix a bit of a problem. i believe i have this live picture. they were trying to fix an issue they had with their cooling system, had some issues with it last week. they are taking a space walk to try to replace a part. they are installing an 800-pound ammonia part. we are keeping an eye on what's happening in space. well, hidden in view, that's what we are hearing from fishermen about the remaining oil in the gulf of mexico. our reynolds wolf, live on pensacola beach, florida, for us once again this morning. it is starting to get a little later in the day. people are starting to hit the beaches just yet. i know that's what a lot of folks along the gulf are hoping for. >> this particular hotel was pretty loud last night in some places. i think people are getting out to the beach. they are doing so pretty slowly. the sun is coming up. we are expecting a lot of folks out here. at this particular hotel, it has been sold out. it is a great sign considering how things were a month ago when you had very few people coming here and plenty of oil washing up on the shoreline. however, from this point, i can tell you that the oil has not been seen here in a very long time. the people have come back. oil is a tremendous problem. it is especially in parts of southern louisiana. a lot of fishermen and people still very angry. >> that is oil, that's crude. there is no doubt in my mind. you can look at it. i'm a fisherman. i like to sell my seafood. i need to make money. this is what i do. health is more important. before we get any family or any kid sick, we need to think about what we are doing. let's take another look at it. bp pays for it a year. hold back as long as they need to do it until we have this cleaned up. we don't want anything to happen to anybody, because we know if it happens, we may never sell our seafood again. >> you know, t.j., the federal government released a report last wednesday that said that only about a quarter of the oil remains out in the gulf. much of that is expected to burn off quickly. there has been some evidence of tar balls and a few patches of oil. it is expected to deteriorate. the exception is, in parts of southeast louisiana where you have plenty of the marsh lands that are inundated with oil. a tough time for many of the creatures that live at the bottom, crabs and oysters. a bit of good news happens to be that some of the waters have opened, especially in mississippi where you now are going to see many fishermen that are going back out, not only commercial fishermen but also recreational fishermen where the waters are open. the effects of oil. it may come in a week or so. >> we will wait for that word. we appreciate you. let's turn back to elena kagan joining the supreme court. a big day ahead for her. we have bill meers, producer joining us from washington and from los angeles, insession legal contributor midwin charles. thanks so much for joining me, you too. bill, let's start with you. we know elena kagan is confirmed but she is not quite a justice yet. many people don't know how much tradition comes with this institution she is joining. what can people expect to happen today? >> the final step is she is going to have to take two separate oaths before she can become the next justice on the supreme court. the first is a constitutional oath required of all federal employees. that would be conducted in private just before 2:00 eastern. then, they will walk down the hall of the supreme court where she will take a judicial oath before the cameras. after that, she is officially a justice. >> she has got a lot of work ahead of her before the fall term begins. midwin, elena kagan will be the youngest justice replacing the oldest justice on the court. how is she going to fit into the mix of the way the court is right now? >> well, i think she will fit in in a remarkable way. i think, as t.j. said earlier, she is going to be the fourth woman ever to be appointed to the supreme court, currently, the third. there has never been three women at the same time. i think right now one of the concerns that a lot of people had on both sides is that she did not have a particular record, because she was not a judge but i think she will do just fine. i think she will weigh all cases before her fairly. >> a big question. a lot having to do with personalities. this can go to both of you as we are talking about the idealogical makeup of this court. we talk about it all the time when we look at these cases coming before the court. we are talking about a liberal-leaning justice replacing a liberal-leaning justice. is it likely anything will change philosophically, that she will sway the pendulum of the court at all? >> she might. she might be one of those judges that does sway the pendulum. when you look at her and compare her to sonia sotomayor, who is not particularly very liberal nor very conservative, i think it is going to be interesting to see how she comes down on some of her cases. >> bill, you and i talk about this a lot, it also has to do with your tenure on the court. john palsy sons had been in the court for decades. she is coming in and she is the junior justice. that has an effect on the makeup of what shi is joining as well, right? >> because she has never been a judge before, she will have a little bit of a learning curve to get used to working with the nuances of working with a very smart, very strong-willed colleagues. whether she will have influence on the court is pretty unlikely. you build the power over decades, the relationships that you build with the other members of the court. this is a conservative court. five conservative justices that hold the power in the court right now, especially on those hot button social issues that are so important to many americans. until that changes, until we have a potentially more liberals coming to the bench, the conservatives are going to hold sway. it is going to be hard for a liberal justice like elena kagan to have an immediate influence in that area. >> one thing she does have is time in terms of building that respect to sway some colleagues. what is she going to be facing? that's a big question. what are some of the big cases that the court is going to be taking on this year? >> well, immediately, when she starts up in early october, the three interesting cases, one deals with protests at military funerals. there is a case dealing with state bans on violent video games. there is an interesting death penalty case coming out of texas. she will have some important cases she will be dealing with. the three big cases that everybody has been following may not reach the court for another year or two. those deal with the proposition 8 in california, the ban on same-sex marriage, immigration laws passed in arizona and other states and the health care mandate recently passed by congress. those issues will bubble up to the supreme court potentially for quite some time. >> one thing we talk about quite often, especially do your the confirmation process, a supreme court pick is any president's longest lasting legacy. elena kagan will be officially sworn in and begin the very long journey with the court. our supreme court producer, bill mears, midwin charles, thank you so much to you. >> sure. going to the web seems to now be the preferred method for entertainment, my friends. >> a lot of folks love it. people are logging in. we will tell you exactly what they are logging into these days. our jacqui jeras will have a preview of the nation's weather right now. good morning to you. >> a lot of people loving the weather this weekend. the heat has gone away across the northeast, mid-atlantic and mid south. a big comeback in one part of the country. we'll tell you about that. we will tell you what that's going to do too coming up in your forecast. the only calcium supplement with genistein found in nature in soy and proven to significantly build bone density. citracal. i'm going to work with kids. 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[ female announcer ] at aarp we believe you're never done growing. i want to take him on his first flight. [ female announcer ] discover the best of what's next at ♪ [ upbeat instrumental ]scover the best of what's next [ rattling ] [ gasps ] [ rattling ] [ laughing ] [ announcer ] close enough just isn't good enough. - if your car is in an accident, - [ laughing continues ] make sure it's repaired with the right replacement parts. travelers. take the scary out of life. our weather forecast. please help us. >> i like that. that works for me. can i use that, t.j.? >> of course, it is yours after what i did to you this morning. >> you owe me, right? >> yes, i do. anyway, let's start with heat. that's what's really impacting the most people today. the good news that i have for you is that it feels great today across the upper midwest. the central plains, the great lakes, the northeast, even the mid south is feeling so much better. at least it is move like typical summer weather. but, we've got a big comeback. we want to warn you right away it is going to be brutal. this heat wave is going to last a number of days and start to build probably through wednesday before we see any heat released. watches have been posted from sioux falls stretching down to s tulsa, oklahoma. this is not going to hit until tomorrow. that goes into effect for your sunday and it is going to feel like triple digits, well up to 110 at time. today, the worst of it is here. down towards oklahoma. across georgia and into south carolina. be aware as we head into the afternoon hours, that's when it is going to be really the most brutal and the air quality hasn't been that great either. here are the have-nots in terms of seeing the low temperatures and here are the real hot temperatures. in terms of thunderstorms, the same thing for the southeast. storms could be severe across parts of the upper midwest. some pop-up thunderstorms with the monsoonal flow here. we take a look at the tropics. august tends to be a busier month. we have a little action going on. we have colin, a tropical storm. maximum winds around 45 miles per hour, getting very near. the next storm could be daniel. hopefully, that will not be affecting anyone. the weather overall, not terrible on this saturday. tomorrow, not nearly as good. we'll take it while we've got it. jacqui jeras. we're going to update that story we have been keeping an eye on. medical aid workers killed in afghanistan. six americans among the dead. later, why california's governor wants to allow gay kubels couples to tie the knot despite an earlier ruling that banned it. how web videos will change what is on tv? they are already changing the face of entertainment in america. they are going to impact what and how you watch tv. i have this for you. the top web series in america, coming right up. 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[ female announcer ] lactaid®. the original lactose-free milk. how much traffic is youtube website getting now? >> who is getting the most and what does this say about the future of the entertainment industry. josh levs is here with a look at which web series is getting the attention. >> i am showing you this. sometimes we take these segments and point to you some videos that are fun. today, what i want to talk to you about is the future. right now, you are watching me on a tv. in a couple of years, when you turn on what you now think of as a tv, you are going to have every option, what google tv calls a million channels. you will have not only all the tv shows but all the web videos to choose from, massive, massive choice. what's happening now is producers, advertisers and entertainment executives are closely watching the web series that are winning and getting millions of views every month. those are going to be incredibly commercially viable. there is a website called visible measures. they keep track of the most popular websites. these are what more and more executives are excited about. they know you can get lots and lots of people interesting. let's start off with what they have as the number ten most popular web series on tv as of right now. it is a parody of "lost." take a look. >> so that's the reason for everything, a giant cork? >> i grew that. >> considering all we have been through, i was sort of expecting something different. >> that's not part of the video. what this one is doing from red verse versus blue. they have taken popular video characters from a series called halo. 4.7 million views. lots and lots of video game characters coming to web series and should be coming to your tv. number 8 bringing us back to the world of parity. people are wild about harry potter acted out through pickup pets and comedy. listen to this. people are crazy about this. this is charlie, the uniform. people love this. look at that. >> yeah, charlie, candy man. >> please stop bouncing on me. >> they describe this as the quent quintessential example of what people are crazy about online. let me tell you about the numbers on this. 6 million views. 5.4 million views in june alone. everybody is worried about this. tae kwon do. now, i know tae kwon do. ♪ >> so this guy is singing to the tune of lady gaga's alejandro. next hour, i will count down from number one, number five to number one most popular web series. watch out for these things. they are going to start taking over the internet more and more. here is where you can see the whole list itself. josh levs cnn. think about the future there. someday when you are sitting down, you will have not only every tv you have as an option but every web video as well plus the video your aunt sent you of your nephew walking for the first time all right in front of you. that's why they are so interested in the top web series in america. t.j., what does that tell you guys about the future here? >> all right. i don't know about that. >> thanks so much, josh. let's get a check of some of the other top stories we are watching right now. six american aid workers have been killed execution style thursday. it happened thursday but only came to light today. all ten members of the international assistance mission were stopped by the taliban, robbed and then shot. police in maryland this morning have charged two people in connection with a multiple murder. investigators found the bodies of two women and two children in a home outside washington. a very disturbing story. the police chief in riverdale now saying that the scene of the killing was extremely disturbing. he says the apparent motive had to do with drugs. tomorrow, bp will resume drilling on its relief well, the final stage of capping the oil spill. engineers could wrap it all up in a week or so. the static kill filling the pipe with mud and cement from the top is finished and has held. the relief well will plug the pipe from the bottom. t.j.? we're going to introduce you to one of our cnn heroes now who took it upon herself to do something about a statistic she didn't appreciate. her home state being the fattest in the country. our cnn hero today. take a look at what she did to try to get people to lose 17,000 pounds in 17 weeks. mississippi has held the title of being the most obese state for six consecutive years. my sister passed away at the age of 54. cancer took her life but obesity restricted her from living it. >> you have made a commitment for a healthy community. let's walk. i knew that i wanted to do something to help people like her who wish they could live a better life. my name is linda fondren. i challenged my community to the 17,000 poupd weight lo 17,000 pound weight loss challenge. i decided to make the challenge permanent, because we did not reach enough people. we have a walking club and a nutrition program. on saturday, the gym is open for free. you have to give them the tools and the opportunities to want to do better. they will jump at that chance to do better. >> she takes no prisoners. she is committed to community involvement as we wrap our arms around this obesity issue. >> it should benefit my life. i like that. >> obesity affects us all. the only way to combat it is to stand together and help each other. we need to make a commitment to change. they lost 15,000 pounds through linda's weight loss initiative. you can see one woman's journey to get rid of the bulge or help linda out by going to bottom of the hour. we're right back. 20 minutes later, she'll bring one into the world in seattle. later today, she'll help an accident victim in kansas. how can one nurse be in all these places? 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[ male announcer ] accumulate 10 nights and get a night free. welcomerewards from smart. so smart. of some of the annoying symptoms menopause brings. go introducing one a day menopause formula. the only complete multivitamin with soy isoflavones to help address hot flashes and mild mood changes. new one a day menopause formula. topping our news this morning, the taliban has claimed responsibility for the deaths of six american aid workers in northeastern afghanistan. they were among a group of ten medical personnel on a mission of mercy, really. their bodies were discovered thursday, shot, execution style on a road to kabul. >> the dead also include two afghans, a brit, a german as well. they were all members of this nonprofit group, an ngo that was working there in afghanistan for the past 40 years, according to the group. they are called the international assistance mission. they give a lot of medical assistance to people there in afghanistan. the taliban, on the other hand, is calling the group spies that they came across. again, taliban speaking to us and also putting on a statement on a website taking responsibility, the director of this relief agency spoke with our sister network, cnn international. >> we know that the chief of police in the province where the ten people were murdered actually said he thought it was a robbery. we understand he says that on the basis of the fact that they had been stripped completely of any valuables, no money, pass ports, satellite phones, no nothing. that is the only thing we know at the moment. >> reporter: were members of your team physicians or missionaries? >> they were not missionaries. we have been working here since 1963. we registered with the government of afghanistan as an ngo. we abide by the afghan law. >> again, we will continue to update you on this fast-moving developing story this morning. again, six americans among ten dead. also, two afghans, a brit, and a german. they were all killed in northeastern afghanistan. again, these were aid workers, the taliban claiming responsibility for that attack. it's been a long week of legal wrangling over proposition 8 and it is a long way from over. >> we have one decision but many more decisions to come. joining us now from los angeles, insessi "insessio in session legal contrition tore, midwin charles. how long of a process just to get to the appeals process? >> well, t.j., it could take years. after a federal district court renders a decision, which is what we saw earlier this week, you then file the appeal and it can take a year or two to get to the circuit quart here in california being the ninth circuit. after the ninth circuit reviews it, which would be a three-judge panel, oftentimes, the side that loses can apply for a hearing for all judges that sit on the ninth hearing. after that, it is on to the supreme court. we could be looking at years before this issue is actually settled. i have to tell you, t.j., this is major, because this is the first time that same-sex marriage is being lit gaigated federal court, which makes it a speedy way to supreme court. we can have an actual affirmative decision from the supreme court on what is the law on same-sex marriage. >> midwin, it seems right now that it is probably not surprising, because this is such an emotionally charged legal issue that a lot of these marriages or unions are in limbo. a lot of people not knowing which direction to go, where things stand for them. the governor and attorney general of california are pushing to allow people to continue to get married until this whole thing is figured out. is that even legally possible to go against what this judge has said to put a stay on these unions? >> i think right now they do have to actually wait until the judge lifts that stay. i think the judge has only put that stay on temporarily so that both sides can submit briefs to show and prove why he should not allow these other people to get married. i have to tell you. if someone's fundamental rights are being curtailed and a judge finds that that law is unconstitutional, i see no reason why gay couples can't get married. there are 18,000 gay couples that did get married between the four-month period that the state supreme court of california had found it was legal to marry and at the time proposition 8 was passed in 2008. what happens to those 18,000 marriages? >> this is far from over. we will be talking about a lot more and looking for you for legal advice to understand it all. midwin, thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> sure. we have some crucial primaries scheduled for tuesday in colorado. our deputy political director, paul steinhauser, is on it for us this morning. >> as a matter of fact, he is chasing the story from the cnn express. we are catching up with him in st. george, utah. paul, what are you doing out there? >> reporter: don't tell tom foreman i have his bus. i'm going to get busted if you do. here we are, st. george, utah, remember, we had the express bus in phoenix for about a week and a half covering the arizona immigration law. we have to go to colorado as you mentioned for the primaries. i am sending jessica yellin out there to cover the crucial primaries. the bus team, the guys that make them go. george placey, they let me ride along. we are going to cover issues. immigration, a big issue here as well as arizona. just a neighbor to the south, guys. >> another big topic that's going on right now. we are talking about jobs and the economy. the latest numbers. i guess we call it everyone as seen as a days pointing employment report that came out friday. how is that going to factor in? what are you hearing out there? >> it is such a big issue. immigration a big issue in the southwest. among all american jobs, issue number one, since december, 2007, when that recession started. it is still by far the top issue. we asked in our recent cnn poll, we asked which party could do a better job fixing the economy? the republicans have a slight lead. among independent voters, they are tending to move towards republicans. that could be crucial. guys, that is less than three months away now. >> less than three months away? paul, we talk about some of the national issues. specifically, to colorado, the folks in colorado, do they have something that might not be on the radar for the rest of us in the rest of the couldn't think that they are so much concerned about in their state? >> reporter: you know what, immigration an issue out there. jobs an issue. the primaries in colorado, guys, are getting really nasty, two senate battles. they are getting pretty down and dirt. a governor's race as well. it is a fascinating place. this is a state, colorado, where the democrats did really well this past decade. republicans think they can make gains in this election. >> there is a lot going on with these primaries coming up. thank you so much. our deputy political director, paul steinhauser, thanks so much. there is a hunt going on along the arizona/mexican border. it may not be the kind you are thinking about. later, we take you on a mission to save lives. thank you as always for being here. where do you want to start? people have been talking all week about the heat. has the heat been record heat? i'm sorry. people get on to me. all the time we hear from meteorologist, hey, it's summer. yes, it is hot but, still, we have had deaths. there has been some very serious heat. are we seeing record heat? >> we have had some records. overall, the month of july as a whole was the hottest july on record globally. it has been very significant. those records are breaking not only for daytime highs but overnight lows and that's really one of the keys, by the way, t.j., too, when you wake up in the morning and your temperatures are in the 80s, there is just no way to recover from that. that's when the heat really becomes dangerous when it is just oppressive 24 hours a day. now, the good news, it's gorgeous outside today for some of you. across the northeast, across the great lakes, the mid-atlantic states, even the mid-south is doing better today. high temperatures much more indicative this time of year. in the 80s, low 90s. still, oppressive heat down here across parts of the deep south. we have those heat advisories, oklahoma city, down towards dallas. 101 today. heat is 93. when you add on 5 plus degrees, because the humidity makes it feel so much worse, you have your heat advisories remaining in effect. the big concern is what's going to happen in this area as we head into next week. heat watches have issued here and is really going to build. this is going to be a significant heat wave for millions of people. sioux falls towards omaha, kansas city. the worst day is going to be monday. really go out and enjoy this weekend. this is as good as it is going to get for a while. our other weather concern in addition to the heat are the pop-up thunderstorms. we have been feeling this daily across parts of the southeast. check out this video we have out of florida. this is a waterspout that developed on lake okeechobee. you get differences in the temperatures in different layers of atmosphere. we get these little spinners. a waterspout is just a tornado over the water. you can see, a nice little rope there, thankfully. nobody was injured. we could see a few of these today. we will be watching that threat across parts of florida as well as along the gulf coast states and we could see a little wind damage with some of these isolated storms. severe threat in the upper midwest. everybody else enjoy, guys. we'll be back in just a minute. when i grow up, i'm going to own my own restaurant. i want to be a volunteer firefighter. i'm going to go there. 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>> that's a protocol. we can't further someone's presence here. we are not here to be a shipping service for migrants. we are here to save lives. >> reporter: people would say, why are you aiding and abetting these people, harboring them and letting them come into our country illegal will i? >> it's a humanitarian issue our government needs to address why people are coming and until that time, we want to reduce the numbers of people who are dying every day here. this has been the worst month in our history. we need to reduce the deaths. it's nonan illegal thing to help people who need help. >> reporter: the group has come under fire for their work. they often find slash bottles and several volunteers were fined for littering after leaving water bottles in a wildlife refuge where illegal immigrants had died in past. some were found guilty in federal court. one appealed to the ninth circuit court and is waiting for a decision. >> reporter: what about the people that say, i am sick of all the litter? this is supposed to be a naturally beautiful place. >> it is something we don't like to see either. we pick it up. >> reporter: another backpack. >> we take it to the camp and put it in the garbage. >> reporter: the medical examiner says there have been so many deaths among the illegal immigrants crossing the border, they are using a truck to store the bodies. july was the second deadliest month on record. the county death toll so far this year, 153 people. >> this lush area may not be what most people picture as a deadly desert. 2 1/2 years ago, a 14-year-old girl's body was found here after she died of hypothermia trying to lead her younger brother across the border. >> volunteers leave water at the shrine so other immigrants can avoid a similar fate. for now, the group just hopes they can save more lives. no matter what side of the border they are from. at the u.s./mexico border. quick break. when we come back, details about a small plane crash in pennsylvania. stay here. lots of discounts on car insurance. can i get in on that? 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