but there are certainly areas especially to the north for citrus fruits that have suffers severely. one of the farmers said he lost at least half a million worth of his crop. last night was another cold night and, in fact, they expect more freezing possible this night. so it's still a difficult time for the orange ygrowers. farming is done at many levels here. strawberries, florida is the second largest producer for the united states and that crop has been hard hit. it will be weeks before they can ascertain how bad the impact will be for consumers. meanwhile, as you can see by the background here it's already impacting tourism. one week doesn't make a season, but there are a lot of tourists going home with not so warm memories of their florida vacation of the past week. martin savidge, cnn, ft. lauderdale. >> six more weeks of winter? we wish. the cold isn't going to snap, is it?