Almost 200 times as much as their employees in 2023 they're making an average of $16.3 million compared to the $81,000 average of the employee that they take home for more on that, i want to bring in cnn, economics and political commentator catherine ram pal. catherine this economy is good getting better in some respects it's not like inequality is a new phenomenon. but when you look at this jobs report, do you see all this data? what do you think is happening here to make americans really feel fundamentally unsatisfied with the direction of y. have americans been so grumpy, went on paper. the us looks so fantastic at least in many respects obviously inflation, big part of it, even though inflation has cooled meaning that prices are not growing as quickly as they had been. we've already seen a lot of price growth to date, and people are constantly hit by sticker shock. if you look actually at grocery prices, for example,