intent is for the opening arguments to begin on monday, but you saw today though? >> he gave the both sides the chance to strike jurors to get people off the panel that they didn't want but it was a pretty impressive process that we saw unfold there jurors who basically, some of them who had views about the former president but also said that they could put the, put those things aside two the judge, this the evidence impartially, and that's the goal of any jury pool, right? the idea of defining a jury based on what the ultimate outcome is acquittal or conviction is not really the process for the american justice system is the jury of your peers and partiality as the goal and unlike the way in which the former president has approached this case, initially, he has been very clear. he thought, you could not get an impartial jury in manhattan that the political leanings that are assumed in manhattan being an overwhelmingly blue in their votes, that that would be the