in jury selection in the question and the answers today, he was he was slipping through papers on the desk keep. but then when his lawyer for started questioning the jurors and asking about their views of donald trump. he was very engaged. again, he had turned his chair again. he was craning his neck. he was looking to the look at the jurors as they were speaking and giving their opinions of him. there we're not as many people today in the jury box for the alternatives that had as strong of opinions as we heard in the prior days of the questioning, but they did challenge a few on their social media post going back several years but a lot of the jurors in the wells said that they either had neutral views of him or they didn't essentially didn't have any real strong views. and so this alternate process actually went pretty quickly once they got to the point where they had gone through all of the vor, deer and all of the questioning of 20 two jurors that were in the box, but he was definitely engaged. he was looking at them all as they were responding to