them, answered every question they asked of me, and i will continue to cooperate with them. >> broadly speaking, what areas did they want to know? were they interested in what happened inside the white house during that day? >> yes. that was definitely part of it. planning things that were happening outside, conversations that were had broadly. those are some of the things we talked about. >> so trying to understand in a way the state of mind of the president, what people close to him were doing? >> yes. again, i don't want to go into the details because i don't want to get ahead of the committee or telegraph what direction they're taking. they're doing really, really great work, and i don't want to do anything to undermine that. any details i had with timelines and conversations that were happening and intentions beforehand and during what was going on. >> one of the things that i've heard from people who have gone in, they have been surprised by how much information the committee already had.