treatment unit. >> i just worry we're not going to have the staffing capacity to meet the demand. >> hospitals across the bluegrass state so full with covid-19 patients almost the entire system stretched to the limit. >> so i get really fearful when we need beds for folks who their diabetes is out of control and they need an insulin drip or, you know, they have regular pneumonia. we might not have a bed for them. if you come in and have a heart attack and you need an icu bed, we probably won't have a bed for you. >> reporter: miguel marquez, cnn,more morehead, kentucky. >> miguel has done this state by state, 18-month tour through the united states as covid moved through once, twice, three times. and back in kentucky it's tragic. and here is the thing, when we're talking about hospital capacity, this is unvaccinated people who are filling these