devolves into further violence, all betts are off in what is a transfer. you've been reporting on u.s. admiral in charge of the area and his negotiations with the taliban. what are you learning? >> so, he is in touch with the taliban commander, basically his counterpart in the taliban, every day. they are talking multiple points and they are hoping diplomacy can save the day. they have reiterated they don't have control over what the taliban are doing outside the perimeter of the airport, setting up checkpoints, in some cases blocking westerners from getting to the airport. they said they are trying their best to emphasize to the taliban this needs to happen. there are a number of ways we have some kind of leverage, even if it's not militarily. we have leverage when it comes to international recognition of the taliban. we have financial leverage in some cases. ultimately it really does come down to diplomacy. >> what specifically are we asking for? what specifically is the admiral asking for and what's been the