all right, we're celebrating the "history of the sitcom" with an all-new original series and we have another special mystery guest this morning from one of john's favorite shows. i mean, it's really everyone's favorite show, one of their favorite shows, i think. he has no idea who it is. let's get straight to the clues to see if he can guess. all right, this character, berman, is the smartest in their family and grade, but cannot move past the second grade. >> lisa simpson. >> are you kidding? hi, yardly smith. voice of lisa simpson. more times for us to ask you questions. >> well, there's only one person who hasn't moved past the second grade. that's a question i know the answer to. it's ream i nice to meet you. >> thank you so much for having me. that was really good, john. really, really good. >> look, not as good as having a steady job for like 32 straight years.