a union pacific rail yard now -- but says the only thing to blame for this gridlock is political gridlock. >> that's what's wrong with the world. everything is political. i don't care where you get it. let's get it done. >> reporter: this bridge has become a symbol for what is wrong with america's infrastructure. now the question is whether or not a bridge fix will happen before an infrastructure deal. the tennessee department of transportation tells me more bridge materials are set to arrive here later this month. but that means the work here could extend into next month. pete muntean, cnn, memphis, tennessee. we have breaking news, there is a huge internet outage that has brought down a number of world's biggest websites, including cnn.com. brian stelter joins us now. look, we're all on pins and needles because of the various ransomware atakes. what do we know about this? >> right now no indication this