cuts given to the wealthy. >> trump goes around saying the economy is doing great. you know what real inflation accounted for wages went up last year? 1.1%. that ain't great. >> people are not getting paid enough. that is not the result of some mysterious cosmic force. it's the result of bad policy. >> if you look at the polls, it's a tough sell because the president has the megaphone here. he cheerleads the stock market and takes credit for what he says is the best economy in history. it's not. we learned the economy grew at 2.1% in the third quarter. that's not the 3%, 4%, 5% the president has said his tax cuts and rolled back regulation would produce. yes, job growths is solid. but in the first 33 months of the trump presidency, some 6.25 million jobs created. that trails the 7.38 million in the final 33 months of the obama years. but the president came to office promising a manufacturing renaissance, and it started