against american interests in the region. >> and just to be clear, you're saying if they are getting more aggressive, you think that may warrant u.s. military action? >> that's what we need to debate here in congress. iran is testing our resolve, and my concern, frankly, is that in saudi arabia we also -- we have a challenge in that we have an uneven partner as you well know, the murder of khashoggi, washington-based reporter who was dismembered in a turkish consulate at the direction of the leadership of the saudi kingdom really has strained our relations as well as a number of other recent actions. we have a decade's long partnership with the saudi kingdom, but this is not a treaty ally like a nato country where we are obligated to respond with force if they are attacked. this is a long-time close partner, but one where that relationship has recently been tested, particularly by saudi conduct in the war in yemen. so there have been a number of attacks on the saudi kingdom by the houthis.