it public. what do you think about people who maybe they waited a little bit to get the vaccine but should they be letting people know that, yes, now they have become so concerned they did finally get it? >> absolutely. i think the vaccine has been an incredibly difficult decision for a lot of people, it's taken a lot of information, it's taken a lot of facts to bring people to the realization that this is the only way out of the panned and this is really a choose for life. i'm so glad to see congressman scalise get his vaccine but most importantly to promote that he is for an end to this pandemic and he is for everybody's life. i think that's the message right now is if you want to make it through this you've got to be vaccinated. >> dr. cath lin o'neal, thank you for joining us on this saturday morning. >> absolutely. thank you for having me. after months of not knowing if the summer games would go on the olympic athletes are finally competing and winning medals. we will take you live to tokyo next.