possible. boris, kaitlan? >> thank you, ariane. as you noted there could be a decision by next june. those oral arguments are expected to happen either early fall or this winter. meanwhile, though, the cia inspector general is looking into cases of the so-called havana syndrome as the number of the reports of illness continues to rise. hundreds of u.s. diplomats, spies and troops around the globe have been sickened by this, some so severe that they ended up retiring. >> yeah, let's get to cnn reporter katie williams covering the story for us. good morning. what can you tell us about this cia ag investigation? what are they hoping to find. >> reporter: what the inspector general is looking into is how officers who have reported this strange constellation of symptoms and sensory experiences were handled or have been handled by the agency when they come forward. that's looking at things like health care that they received, that's looking at the kind of benefits that they received, and we do note that the inspector