the administration's response to this latest surge? >> reporter: we're seeing omicron cases sky rocketing across the country and those long testing lines snaking around the country on christmas eve. the white house, though, doesn't have a plan to ramp up testing right now. their plan is to get the 500 million at-home test kits beginning next month. those will be delivered to americans who request them via a website. we've seen president biden take steps to increase surge medical capacity to hospitals around the country that are dealing with these skyrocketing cases. so far, hospitalizations have not risen at the same rate as cases. the white house taking steps to finally reverse that travel ban that president biden put in place about a month ago as it relates to south africa and seven other countries in southern africa. that travel -- those travel restrictions will be lifted beginning december 31st. the president is spending the weekend here at -- in washington at the white house for this

Related Keywords

Country ,Doesn T ,Testing ,Reporter ,Plan ,Surge ,Response ,Omicron ,Administration ,White House ,Sky Rocketing ,500 Million ,President ,Us ,Test Kits ,Hospitals ,Website ,Capacity ,Biden Take ,Cases ,Rate ,Travel Ban ,Place ,Skyrocketing Cases ,Hospitalizations ,Biden Put ,Countries ,Travel ,Travel Restrictions ,Washington ,South Africa ,Southern Africa ,31 ,December 31st ,Seven ,

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