fluid situation, but are you feeling and is your team feeling some battle fatigue at this point from this? >> oh, no question about it. ordinary, i have a nurse that was crying on my shoulder because she was -- we have a patient that have a cardiac arrest and nen another one and another one. it was one after the other. we are exhausted. i mean, we are working non-stop. patients keep on coming. and the worst part about this is that this was foreseeable and this was preventible. so not only we are exhausted. we are annoyed. we're annoyed because people are not doing the right thing. >> and talk to people about doing the right thing. for anybody who is out there who, you know, maybe they are not looking at the vaccine as something that is political, but they have concerns about it from a physical standpoint. everybody has their own reasoning, i suppose. but is there anything you feel like you can say to convince