complaint says at some point, the couple stepped outside the bar here to smoke cigarettes. they ended up in the alley and the wife told police, that's when the husband used the taser to shock her twice on her ba backside and once on the thigh. >> they kind of laughed it off, but then the wife got tased one more time and she got mad. >> i had no inkling whatsoever that they would end up in an altercation at the end of the night. >> christopher mcneil is the police chief. >> the taser he had was a skin contact type of taser, which actually, if you use it enough times or in a certain spot, can leave burn marks. >> the husband went to jail on a charge of possessing a electric weapon. >> now the bears fan is behind bars. >> which is always a good thing, you know. >> terry sater from wisn, thanks for that. bet dinner or taking out the trash or a week of dinner. that's enough. >> i think they know that now.