here, there is no, like, barbecued food. >> where is it? can we get some burgers? >> i know, can i get some chips? okay, let's get to what we're really talking about, maybe the thunderstorms and rain that could disrupt this holiday. let's bring in kara mcginnca ka cnn weather center. >> i know you were traumatized by all the dragoncon events -- >> yes, i thought it was halloween. >> either that or tim tebow. but i think this will smooth things over just a little bit. take a look at this beautiful, beautiful picture we've been watching over the last few minutes as the sun rises over beautiful anna maria island. >> it's like we're there! >> it is! it's gorgeous! we've been watching people fish and just walking around. it is a stunning picture. this afternoon, though, could see some thunderstorms. frontal system is sweeping towards the east in its wake. we'll see those showers and thunderstorms increase even more as we go into monday. yeah, that's what you wanted to hear. temperatures soaring into the 80s and 90s, triple digits in south texas.