matter of fairness to consumers. before we hear from you. let's listen to something the chairman said earlier this week. here it is. >> i'm the last person in the world who wants to listen to somebody talking to me while i fly across the country. but we're the technical agency and we will make the technical rules that reflect the way the new technology works. >> okay. so you hear that, and you think, is this about the consumer, or is this about technology? mark, what do you say? >> well, it's about technology. so the bottom line is can you let the cell phone use take place in the airplanes? absolutely. pilots have had cell phones in their cabins for years. they know it's okay. they finally got around to ruling it's okay. now the other question is, do we want cell phones on airplanes? i know about you, victor. i don't want someone chatting up to me for a six-hour flight to