resilient and heal over the course of the baseball season. coincidentally. >> reporter: back in april, the sox were coming off a last-place finish that their division last year. and the city of boston had just taken a devastating hit. after a pair of explosions near the marathon finish line, heather abbott lost part of her leg. she had just left a game at fenway. a plan to return would help her heal. >> i practiced in physical therapy. >> reporter: while she was still using a wheelchair to get around, abbott accepted an offer to go back to the ballpark. >> when i threw out the first pitch and i had just left the hospital that was really a big deal for me. >> and you can now say you pitched for the world series champs. >> i guess i did. >> reporter: over and over again the team invited abbott and other suffer visors home. most memorably for a tribute alongside james taylor during a tribute in the second world