you raise the issue earlier, errol, what are jeb's people looking for? they're looking for that. he gets up on a stage and distinguishes himself in a positive way. it's important to know, zeke, the national poll does not fully embrace the debate in terms of its timing. it was done a couple days before. it only got a slice of that which may explain this inconsistency for rubio. he didn't actually do anything in the national poll. he went down a little bit. in the new hampshire poll which is definitely after the debate he pops. do you believe this is something he will sustain or go down and fiorina-esque flames? >> if you look at marco rubio throughout this entire cycle, he's topped the list of people in this race with raw political talent. you watch him work a room on the stump with donors, with grass roots supporters, kids on the street at a parade. he's good at politics. you see it on the debate stage time and time again. he picks his moments just right. that's the type of thing that will sustain him through this race. he has a smart organization.