side. >> he will. ben carson has high favorability, minuscule unfavorability right now. rubio is doing well with the favorability ratings. here's the other thing about donald trump supporters, though, in contrast to carson. they're the least likely to be swayed away from their candidate at this point. carson has a lot of room to grow. trump's hard-core supporters say they aren't going anywhere. >> let's look at what people say are his at tribute attributes. they like that he's not a career politician, by 85%. guided by his faith in god, 89%. approaches issues with common sense, 96%. no foreign policy experience. that's split. 49% find that unattractive, 42% find that attractive. >> it's not really what a president does, foreign policy. this is a surreal moment. one of the things this poll shows, actually, for a third of iowa caucusgoers, no experience