all the way through oklahoma texas and even into parts of kansas. look at this through sunday some spots from wichita to kansas city and oklahoma city will pick up 4 to 8 inches of rain. that's just in the next three days. and then look at the northeast. not a drop. sunshine the entire time. i know all sunshine and no rainfall makes a desert and i haven't even started planting my tomatoes yet. i don't know what chris is doing. but it's time to plant. sun is out, no more frost across the country and the rain will help you. but you don't need that kind of rain for your sunday picnic i'm afraid. it could be quite wet. nice days in new york d.c. boston for the weekend, little wet down here across parts of the deep south. midwest and west looking great from oklahoma city back through denver and salt lake city and even great for you i don't think you're traveling to l.a. michaela but a beautiful weekend in l.a. as well in the 60s. exactly where you should be with that cool coastal water. obviously warmer in the inland empire. >> now much like you i will be here on monday so it doesn't make time for travel this weekend. i think i'll do a staycation. >> we'll manage to have fun on