legislative investigation into the george washington bridge scandal. is this hug-gate? is this more than just the expression of a bromance between the three men? you see a problem with this hug? >> well i see it was a very awkward moment. when you look at the video, i kind of felt bad for the governor he didn't seem like he was part of the hug. >> you see him being cozy with jerry jones as a problem? >> his company with jerry jones in which he's an investor. for the government to receive this kind of benefit, to be flown down his entire family for the game is really questionable. >> john flying on private planes being in the luxury box, getting free tickets. this for a man of the people chris christie. >> people are very emotional when it comes to football. chris christie is authentic. he's always been a dallas cowboys fan. he's somebody who is gn gg to stand up even for his team. that's why he's been so successful in new jersey.