as you see in the united states, canceling these screenings. but that fear is nothing new to people here in japan, who have always taken north korea seriously for decades. ever since the country kidnapped japanese citizens and forced them to train spies and launch projectiles into the sea of japan and now with this apparent new vulnerability to cyber attacks, there are more fears in tokyo about what could happen next as the film premiere is just days away. chris? >> will, thank you very much. alisyn, over to you. >> let's talk about more about this with the soenior editor of "recode" a tech news website and tom fuentes, former assistant fbi director. good morning to both of you. tom, in the last 24 hours the whole hacking scandal feels like it's taken a much more ominous turn. it's not just about salacious emails that have been hacked. it's now about threats along the lines of 9/11. let me read to you what the hacking group has posted. he said the world will be full of fear. remember the 11th of september