veterans. there is a sacred quality to the military. >> which is why i'm surprised and i want to get your take on it, why i'm not -- many republicans are calling for him to resign but some in the republican leadership, john boehner, eric cantor, not calling for him to resign, more talking about the accountability stick, more putting it on president obama. erin cantor telling politico which is this is a core competency question for the white house. is that a political strategy for republicans because it may have a longer-term impact on the president if they can hurt him and associate him with the problem rather than just calling for shinseki to resign? i'm just surprised they're not jumping on him because they often do quickly jump and say, sebelius, resign, holder, resign. >> it's a rare show of partisan ship. you saw boehner and pelosi they they didn't want to see this happen. i agree the goal here is to keep the pressure and focus on the president. if this can be dealt with with