constraints of the airline industry? >> you know, i think it is to some extent. even with the black boxes that we have now they started out with just a certain bit of finite data, altitude, heading, airspeed, and that sort of information initially when they first put black boxes on the airplanes. i think that what is practical is basic heading information, some location data information. the idea that all 10,000 points are -- there's actually 82 tracking points, but as many as 10,000 data points could be transmitted on a realtime basis is impractical at this point, i think. but there's a lot of information that with very little effort can be done to track the aircrafts so we can't just lose an airplane like we have right now. >> that would be good. david soucie, thank you very much. kate? >> thanks, chris. coming up next on "new day," a teen's unbelievable tale of survival has so many people wondering how he made it across the pacific ocean traveling