to do with an aircraft. i'm not putting a lot of stock in this yet until we see photographs and see the actual structure itself. >> surprise that in the press conference of the malaysian authorities, the interim minister of transportation there that he didn't even mention it until it was coaxed from a question? >> yeah. and i think they're just being super cautious, as they should be, about giving any false hope to the families. they've been through so much already. every single piece of information just loses its credibility immediately until it's proven. and again, we have no proof of anything at this point. to reach for straws is not a good practice, especially in his position. >> do you think that you're giving them too much credit in terms of saying it's because they don't want to give false hope to families? they've been pretty tough on the families. what do you make of their resistance to answering these 26 questions, refusal to give out the inmarsat data? >> you know, i think that they're just caught back on